Design X Discourse is an international workshop and discourse series that is using futuring and design methods to empower citizens to speculate about possible futures and share their opinions on how our future should look like. Because the impact of new emerging technologies is global, local contexts and the pluralism of individual perspective should not be ignored in times of technological transformation and digitalization.
Through Design X Discourse participants are enabled to create their narratives about the future and visualize them using design methods. Emerging design artifacts invite us to think about the future, deliberate with others and reflect our current times.
Would you like to host a workshop or participate in the next workshop? Contact us at info[AT]
Design X Discourse is an international workshop and discourse series that aims to explore citizens‘ perspectives on the impact of new emerging technologies and to enable citizen participation. Because the impact of new emerging technologies is global, local contexts and the pluralism of individual perspectives should not be ignored in times of technological transformation and digitalization.
Through Design X Discourse participants are enabled to create their narratives about the future and visualize them using design methods. Emerging design artifacts invite us to think about the future, deliberate with others and reflect our current times. Learn more about DxD here.
Would you like to host a workshop or participate in the next workshop? Contact us at info[AT]
2023 | September 06
Paper Publication: Exploring the Reflective Space of AI Narratives Through Speculative Design in Japan and Germany. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (pp. 351-362). [external Link]
2021 | March 26
Contribution to the Scientific Conference 'Design as Common Good' by the Swiss Design Network. Proceedings p. 566-580
Museum Brandhorst, Munich
To conduct the workshops we developed a workshop framework that allows every interested citizen to participate. No prior knowledge is required. The method of the framework is a fusion of principles from speculative design, critical design and graphic design and also has great influences from participatory design and last but not least deliberative democracy. We perceive it as a deliberative design approach for citizens to collaborate on tech narratives about our futures. The resulting visual narratives are a starting point for the broader society to deliberate together.
We are happy to announce that our paper for the Design as Common Good Symposium 2021 by the Swiss Design Network has been accepted. More updates on this will follow.
We will also host a workshop at the MozFest 2021 by Mozilla in March. We’ll provide more information once the festival program is released.
*** call for Participation ***
international Design X Discourse Sessions in Summer 2021
*** Call For Participation *** international design x discourse sessions in summer 2021
Learn more about the project by looking through past events, talks and publications.
Learn more about the project by looking through past events, talks and publications.