Contribution to the Scientific Conference 'Design as Common Good' by the Swiss Design Network. Proceedings p. 566-580
MozFest Workshop
2021 | March 12
Workshop 'Speculating Narratives on Futures of AI Wellness' at the MozFest 2011 by Mozilla. Join us speculating!
Munich Creative Business Week
2021 | March 10
Impulse talk on Design and Democracy for 'Design im Zeughaus MCBW 2021'
MUAS Workshop
2020 | Oct - Nov
Workshop Series at the University of Applied Sciences of Munich with Master Students at the Design Faculty.
Talk at OAG Tokyo
2020 | October 28
Talk 'Perspektiven auf die Zukunft digitaler Öffentlichkeit durch kollaboratives spekulatives Design' at OAG Tokyo - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (recorded, in German)
2020 | September 7
Contribution with a Workshop Paper to the International Conference on Computational Creativity for the workshop track: Future of Co-Creative Systems. Find the proceedings of the workshop with our paper contribution here and watch the video on the paper here (10 min).
Talk at DIJ Tokyo
2020 | July 14
Talk 'Future Visions of a (Digital) Public Sphere: Findings from Japan' at the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo.
Talk at the Waterkant Festival
2020 | June 20
Talk at the Waterkant Festival 2011 upon Invitation by the Gesellschaft für Digitale Ethik (Association for Digital Ethics) in Their Track 'Digital Ethics' to Present the Research Project and First Findings from our Research Stay in Japan at the Waterkant Festival. Watch the Talk on Vimeo (from 1:23:50 to 2:01:55) and Find more Information on the Talk here.