Michel Hohendanner is Research Associate at the Munich Center for Digital Sciences and AI (MUCDAI) of the Munich University of Applied Sciences and Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of Cyber Trust with Prof. Jens Grossklags at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In 2022, Michel was visiting Prof. Hirotaka Osawa’s Hai Lab at KEIO University, Tokyo, for two months for a Design Futuring project on the Metaverse. In 2020, he was a visiting researcher at the Kyoto Design Lab at the Kyoto Insititute of Technology for five months, doing research on design methods for promoting deliberative citizen dialogues under the supervision of Prof. Daijiro Mizuno.

His research focuses on the social impact of new emerging technologies like (generative) AI and social aspects of immersive technologies. His investigations are driven and informed by (speculative) design as method of inquiry, digital ethics, and human-computer interaction. As technology changes the social fabric of today’s societies, he puts a particular focus on participatory methods and citizen centric perspectives.

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since 2013 – Freelance Designer

2023 – Doctoral Candidate
Chair of Cyber Trust @ Technical University of Munich

2022 – Research Associate
Munich Center for Digital Sciences & AI (MUC.DAI) & the Faculty of Design (FK12) at University for Applied Sciences Munich

2021 – Research Associate
Institute for Digital Ethics at Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart

2020 – Researcher in Residence
Kyoto Design Lab (Kyoto Institute of Technology)

2020 – Advanced Design MA
University of Applied Sciences Munich

2017 – Fine Arts & Multimedia BA
(Minor: media informatics)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

2014 – Literature Studies BA (Comparative Literature)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

2013 – State-Certified Communications Designer
Designschule München


ORCID-ID 0000-0003-1560-9655

Full List @TUM Chair of Cyber Trust

Journal & Magazine Articles

  • Hohendanner, M., Ullstein, C., Socher, G., & Grossklags, J. (2024) “Good and Scary at the Same Time”— Exploring Citizens’ Perceptions of a Prospective Metaverse. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue: The Pervasive Multiverse. Publisher Version (Open Access)
  • Doria, J., Grimm, P., Hohendanner, M. & Kuhnert, S. (2024) Designing and Evaluating an Interactive Learning Technology to Foster Privacy Literacy. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2023.3333930.

Contributions to Conference Proceedings

  • Hohendanner, M., Ullstein, C., Buchmeier, Y., & Grossklags, J. (2023) Exploring the Reflective Space of AI Narratives Through Speculative Design in Japan and Germany. Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT), pp. 351-362. Publisher Version (Open Access)
  • Ullstein, C., Engelmann, S., Papakyriakopoulos, O., Hohendanner, M., & Grossklags, J. (2022) AI-competent Individuals and Laypeople Tend to Oppose Facial Analysis AI. Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO), Article No. 9. Author Version, Publisher Version (Open Access)
  • Hohendanner, M., Ullstein, C. & Mizuno, D. (2021). Designing the Exploration of Common Good within Digital Environments: A Deliberative Speculative Design Framework and the Analysis of Resulting Narratives. Proceedings of the Swiss Design Network Conference on Design as Common Good: Framing Design Through Pluralism and Social Values. ISBN: 978-88-7595-108-5. Publisher Version (Open Access), Complete Proceedings

Workshop Papers

  • Ullstein, U., Hohendanner, M., & Grossklags, J. (2024) Mapping Policymakers‘ and Laypeople’s Perceptions of genAI and FPT in the Context of the EU AI Act. Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF), Mainz, Germany, forthcoming.
  • Ullstein, C., & Hohendanner, M. (2020, September 7–11). Exploration of the Future of Co-Creative Systems Through Collaborative Speculative Design Practices. International Computational Creativity Conference 2020 (ICCC’20): The Future of Co-Creative Systems – A Workshop on Human-Computer Co-Creativity, Coimbra, Portugal. Publisher Version (Open Access)



  • 2024: Media Theory at Munich University of Applied Sciences – Program: Design & Informatics

  • 2022 & 2023: „Prozesse“ (Processes) at Munich University of Applied Sciences – Program: Design & Informatics, Content of Teaching: Design and Software Development processes through the conception of an application in the context of immersive technologies (2022), respectively generative AI (2023)

  • 2023: „Designtheorie, Technik & Ethik“ (Designtheory, Technology and Ethics) at University of Wuppertal
    Program: Industrial Design, Content of Teaching: Capacities and responsibilities of designers as decisive actors at the intersection of technology and society

  • 2022: „Design & Digitale Ethik“ (Design & Digital Ethics) at Munich University of Applied Sciences
    Program: Design, Content of Teaching: Capacities and responsibilities of designers as decisive actors at the intersection of technology and society

  • 2021: „Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Präsentieren“ (Scientific Writing and Presentation) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU)
    Program: Fine Art & Multimedia