Miller, got more sophisticated and he got comfortable with killing. After all, these bodies were found. At this point we just know there seems to be some kind of accident and her car ends up in the opposite lane facing oncoming, I thank more crashed right in front of the home of a woman named faith, westman faith, medical, call to nine hundred and eleven at seven hundred and twenty seven to report the accident in her call logs, which have been released, but redacted faith tells police that there's been an accident, she is at, if anyone is hurt- and she says she doesn't know- because she hasn't actually gone out to investigate the next couple of sentences from the call are redacted just, when, after a local man named Butch, Atwood comes driving by in a bus he. this is where everything starts. Who did they know who were their clients and was there anything that stuck out, but it was hard for them to find anything. roughly online and leaving out the middlemen and her. After gradually, She turned a couple of jobs being a hostess. 0:00:00 Anyone coming into the building, not looking at ids she's just staring straight ahead, and when her boss approaches her, she breaks down crying, and her boss is trying to find out what's wrong, but all more can say is my sister. It does something that, to this day, no one can explain she emailed her professors and tells them that there's been a death in the family, and she's likely going to be out for the next week. I know it's amazing are episode on what cereal didn't tell you got the attention of Robbie Chaudhry and calling Miller at the undisclosed podcast and they ended up, think about our episode and then Georgia from my favorite murder, also treated about our episode, telling all. Would you should never ever, crimes under way, for I should not have to pay for this. the night she was last seen she gun offered to do in our call for fifteen hundred dollars because way higher than usual. I guess so something scared her in that house either she was having some kind of break or she was having a reaction to drugs. Joe comes out of the house with Shit. it remained at the site was the car itself in somewhat of a precarious state. What's going on, she asked more of she needs to go to the school counselor or if she had somebody to talk too, and more says. This is about an hour and fifteen minutes away from where she was so it's a big hike, but the pay was real. Somewhere, a child is crying. Later, more and Fred talk on the phone about the insurance coverage on Fred's car. This had to have some basic understanding of. That's been found. How long was she looking to book this place for and the fact that no one else had contact her and it took the family to do it. Frequently remember she got in the, tions from there and it's a place that Maura would have been very familiar with. They were just push. Right, like I'm sure, Gus was like okay. When policed, asked Shannon for her location when she was on the phone with them. Now Fred has questions about the accuracy of the sent docks be. It was really rough terrain, but on December ten blue starts indicating that he is on to some, and sure enough along the side of the Ford Lane Ocean Parkway on global beach, the officer, a burlap sat holding decomposing skeletal remain, Oh, my God, chairman- was there the whole time. He knows, there's no. calls fit the same pattern except for the last one, the last. I told you the eastbound strangler, so I feel like that means I get. two. Mac users - right-click on the form link then select 'Save linked file as . Things got out of control and she's running from him and he's trying to find her. In February of two thousand, For more Murray was twenty one years old and attending the University of Massachusetts. fourth, between Long island where she went missing and New Jersey where she lived, but the report ends at staying with New Jersey and because its with New Jersey, this is one more reason that they never connect. But Madison Green is the perfect middle ground. Support for this podcast comes from pico. Termism person report with the nine when one call made in a beach and they wouldn't make the connection for another four months, So things get a little stranger still. truly end up getting officially reported missing that day, her family trying to track down her last move. Listen I already called AAA. Crime Junkie MISSING: Maura Murray (Part 1) 2018-10-08 In 2004 a 21-year-old UMass student, Maura Murray, sends a message to her professors saying there has been a death in her family and she will be out for the next week. The dogs were brought out about eleven days after more of vanish, but they were able to track her scent the track it from the crash site to about a hundred feet up the road and then her sent just disappears. Who Shannon was last seen with the nation missing they vetted him, but couldn't leave him to any of the girls they go back to Michael Shannon's driver, but again nothing on him and he's cleared as well. Imagine that you're sitting in a boat on the Atlantic Ocean- and you are facing the land, your facing long island, there's a skinny long strip of land in front of you and on this land has three beaches. This podcast dynamically inserts audio advertisements of varying lengths for each download. Actually put up a good fight when he goes to trial. He says that she's just finish up a call in Manhattan and she needs to be picked up. We don't know who all of the other victims even were in life. They never had sex and he never gave her money. More was looking into before her disappearance when they spoke with the woman who worked there, she said she wanted to help, but by now she, no recollection of talking to Maura. No one can explain this action. Shannon fit the profile of the global peach killer like to a t, but she, a driver all of the other girls, were lured away and, hey believing this is just an accident that lead to something so much bigger. There was Shannon story. So what now? She basically just said that she loved him after this call more. and who were part of the global beach for were linked to body parts found as early as ninety six in two thousand, and we know that all of the global beach for girls who went missing went missing between two thousand and seven and two thousand and ten. Episode Summary Hundreds of millions of people tuned it into Serial, season one, back in 2014. Getting very strange. But if he had, or action with her, how do they get all of her information girl? We're and Joe transaction grab her from behind and she for whips out and goes and hide behind, his couch and calls nine when one and while she, phone with them. She turned back and hid under the boat, does a slow drive by in calls out to Gus asking he's seen a young girl. Then they finally go back to Doktor Hackett, but again cleared no connection so with the locals ruled, out and they're out of the way, the next step, that the police take it take a deep dive into each of these girls. It's confirmed later that Maura did take a call from her sister earlier that night. little bit confusing when you have to people involved. So shortly after this Shannon gets picked up and gets another call from a guy named Joe who lives on Oak beach in long Island. When these girls went missing and let him, or however many hymns. He made the call, while he was in New Jersey near Marries home what yeah, This has never been fully sorted out. happen or was more a lying again and setting up this whole scenario of family trouble to get out of class and work, and if so, why? Listen, I love you. Police disagreed and downplayed their concerns and all the while, more men vanished into thin air. He promises to call her back, As we note she goes to bed the next morning. It seem like she was packing for a short trip. Or transferred. So what's the theory of the two killer theories, Most people believed that it was just a coincidence because it's kind of off the beaten path, area or I'm sure, there's someone out there who thinks that it just happens that two different man used the same remote dumping ground, because again it's really remote, no. Family and friends say it wasn't like her to lie like this, and no one has any idea, what was going through her head at this point that same day, she returned some close to one of the girls in her nursing classes and the next. So some people look at this as a sign that she was thinking. It says he never spoke with her and he can explain. Best by an amateur profile, name Peter who said we have two distinct signatures. They could not see past. Her. In the case thinking that it should go in completely different directions: right, yeah. This time, is on Jones Beach, which is the beach to the left of Gilbert Beach. Time he called Amanda, he said I finally killed. She was a star athlete on the track team and in cross country always competing for school and state records with her older sister Julie. A lot is Neil fall. He tells her that she'll need to pick up some accident forms and get those filled out after this call, we have very little insight into what more did for the rest of the day. Flowers told Deadline she hosted a crime segment on a local radio station before starting the podcast. This is your problem. Is that if she can make more money, she can start to save up and get out of this life she had registered for classes. She was, I'm ready to get married, she had her entire future ahead of her because of this her case was extremely publicized on the news and through social media, and no one could figure out what this young, beautiful, smart girl was doing on this New Hampshire RD. One of them was even found on a golf course, okay, but what are the odds, though, that both guys had the same kind of victim? Until about four in the morning that day now, the next morning, she gets back, online- and this is February, ninth and she starts researching more properties and she gets directions from Amherst Massachusetts, to the Burlington Vermont area. They don't do a full search of the neighborhood. Fred tells the police something that he would. Episodes | Crime Junkie Podcast Episodes MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Elizabeth Santos Elizabeth Santos' unexpected and tragic death in 2020 left behind a million questions. and back when everyone was still thinking. This is a case that I have been obsessed with since two thousand and ten. Oh, oh, my god yeah. They went camping now her dad's convinced she was going to go, because she knew it so well. But her friends and family know that there has been no death in her family. It's a guy. Billy is stationed in Fort, Oklahoma at this point, and despite the hour he does answer and they talk and he tries to calm her down. initially called the line was busy, so the dispatcher actually calls him back at seven hundred and forty three, he reported that there was an accident involving a single, could see, but the airbags were deployed, heavy damage at seven hundred and forty six, the first response, officers. But a lot of people, though, think that it had to have been someone in law enforcement, or at least someone familiar with law enforcement policies because of how he knew to make the calls to the victim's family and not get caught and how he could hide his ip address stuff like that, but nothing solid. This is where things get chilling for real, Shannon was on a beach unmade. Fifth, this is forty. Visit, In 2017 the FBI released a chilling recorded phone call that may be the only clue as to what happened to Margaret Ellen Fox back in 1974. Ashley flowers and I'm Brett, and I want to say a quick welcome. Maybe she was just trying to get away and I think maybe that's why Fred said what he said. Sources for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. Shannon. So it's surprising to the officer when there, is no young woman to be seen in any direction of the crash site all. If you can just, Harry them in one place and keep your collection together and, if you well well, exactly people say he'd already been using that spot to get rid of parts of the body that weren't the torso and they literally went a decade without ever being found. He tells them that they are all have, party at Joe's house. First, two dozen ten. Search our catalogue by type of crime and date range across some of the court records: the Central Criminal Court (CRIM), the Court of King's Bench (KB), itinerant justices (JUST), and the Assizes (ASSI). well, will wait outside for her, along with her driver, Michael also kind of acts as sort of protection or security for Shannon from here. Cracked, yes. I can't find a really good, comprehensive episode on this. It sticks with most people like it does you and me because they say why on earth, if he did it, why would he leave her so close to his house? Addition to this, who ever labour meeting also was able to hide their ip address, so they couldn't track them through this, and this is a clue, Please all point to later. I find something new every single time, so gory eat it. This, I think, was the straw that broke the camels back for Fred because he felt like police were not doing their job and they were just getting in the way Fred tried to file suit to get more as records released to him, but he was, shut down by the legal system, stating that basically it was an ongoing investigation and releasing records, could interfere with the case down the line. The police are saying: no. Oh, my god, like this. It's assumed that they were buying drugs, but it hasn't been confirmed, but let's be real like if they were buying drugs. That's, suspicious at all. They, Eventually had a second autopsy done by the New York City, medical examiner and his ruling was that there's insight, evidence to determine any definite cause of death, but he does know that the autopsy findings are. It's not while to think that more than one zero killer is going after a group of women who have been marginalized by society, because I mean he was right. This time and according, to his mom, who was the only person from bill side of the family to be interviewed in this first documentary, I originally saw she said the message was really short. So if they investigated him, which I know they did and they're not saying they have their guy, then it's probably not. That seems really suspicious, because this girl is actually hiding from you exactly. It was proven later that doctor hack, it actually did call from his wife's cell phone, and even weirder. She loved the stories from being up there and she just happened to have this, It's not a sign of something she was going to do after weeks of searching nothing substantial is recovered, nothing that has a link to Mora and nothing that would indicate she was, still alive or still in the area after mom. After that call, she talked to Billy now Morris, insisted that her talk was very normal and she can't think of anything that was said. You have the right to ask for a copy of records the police have about you. I can't imagine having so called in May anywhere that I should make like that. They drive a few miles back in the direction she had come from, because that was back closer to the center of town and they didn't see her walking. There was list which might be two separate stories. It had called run so they try and make her report, but they get bounced back in. So please don't say a couple of bucks to make sure he can. Depraved men are taking advantage of these women because, it's easy and society refuses to take notice when they're gone. For a full list of sources, please visit very upset, and you know he says he told her going to be okay, but he also said he was mad to like any dad would be. So knowing, she's going to be out for a while, you guys it's just me, and this podcast didn't, I'm easier, it's actually become a lot more work now. Dr Hackett, I mean he all of his actions were so strange. If you guys want to see a picture of Maura and the people in this case, you can go to the website crime, junkie, podcast, dot com. police, I'm sure was love to close this case. If you can never get enough true crime. There has to be this big cover up conspiracy with everyone. This episode is made possible by Madison red tape, colouring your hair at home to the next level with Madison Reed. hosted by Kimberl Crenshaw This podcast dynamically inserts audio advertisements of varying lengths for each download. The police, refused to release the audio and, to this day. And they would work tirelessly to make sure she paid the price. They find something that will forever loom over this case as either a red herring or evidence of something sinister. But that's a lie. Listen. Fred drives her back to the dorm room and he says more was. He had to have had significant contact with her in order to. But Gus is, at the main, deeper police to show up, and, six, a dot m when it starts getting light outside Michael decides to leave, he's not going to stick around for when the cops come at six hundred and ten, a dot m, a full forty, five minutes after Gus called the police they finally arrived and meet him at that front gate. Crime Junkie SERIAL KILLER: L.I.S.K. Jos, not going to be the case for sure we went about cope. totally acting. Accuracy is not guaranteed. That's about to come was that she. Now this is a little strange because classes had just started. Shut down. They think, maybe she got bounced around a lot to a lot of different people like oh you're, not my jurisdiction, you're, someone else's, and so it's, right and it's just bad. and was trying to take steps towards changing this trend. Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast is even more concerned because she has no idea how doktor hack it would have even gotten her phone number and when she asked him about this, he says every one who comes into his home to be treated ass, to give an emergency contact number but Mary, swears up and down that she would have never given out her phone number. So then, why go through it? be planning to take off on a trip now from her cell records, which her boyfriend had access to because he was on her plan, We learn that she made a couple of calls on the afternoon of Monday February. The e sound victims and the Gilbo girls were different, but each set. like is it over? draw these companies are that you can make in a single night what it takes three to four weeks to make at a normal job and it's hard to turn down for a girl who's trying to make it on her own. last week was insanely big for us and we have so many new Le Spares.