You may be wondering if theres a Thrall Master build that maximizes the number of Thralls you can have while boosting their stats to attack more aggressively without taking too much damage, and yes, there is such a build. The former comes with a Bleed buff, and the latter can only be crafted using Dragonbone, which can be found at The Arena, such as other good options like the Blood-Moon, Khari, and Derketos Voice bows. Durability RELATED: Conan Exiles: 10 Great Areas To Build A Base. The best weapons for this build are late-game ones like two-handed Whirlwind Blades and ranged weapons like the Reach of the Red Mother. Turning enemies into pin cushions can be tempting, but archery tends to be one of the weaker ways to deal damage in the game. Please consider subscribing to their channel and watching the video below for more details. Teaches That's why it has no penetrating power at all. Archers are used to defending your base as well. 8.92% The Conan Exiles Thrall Capturing guide will cover some of the factions in the game right now while more will be added as soon as the game gets updated. And that completes this guide on the best Thrall Master build in Conan Exiles, and we want to thank the YouTube channel FireSpark81for their complete walkthrough. Category In any case, players should pick their targets carefully with this one. 1921 I've compiled a list of my top 10 weapons for thralls in Conan Exiles!I've been testing weapon types in conan exiles to see what works best in the situation . However, each Thrall has a different specialization, for example, someone might be good at archery while another thrall might be a dancer or a craftsman. 23 In case anyone's wondering. It doesn't give other stat increases though but that's understandable as such a notion would be overkill. The best weapons in Conan Exiles are, of course, the end-game weapons, which you can't always craft yourself, but find in dungeons or from world bosses. There are dozens of Thralls to be found in The Exiled Lands and the Isle of Siptah, and they can be incorporated into a build that enhances Follower Damage, Health Pool (HP), and Stamina recovery for you and your Thralls. Valve Corporation. They only get spawned at specific locations on the map. You can reach her on Twitter at @ashleigh_RPG. Gain a following and utilize your Thralls in combat as we've detailed the best build in becoming the ultimate Thrall Master in Conan Exiles. Survive in a vast open-world sandbox, build a home and kingdom, and dominate your enemies in single or multiplayer. : ' - : : : : : : : : Spark of ExcellenceBy The Talented @xXasdfMAN12Xx AKA: Sean Wolf#conanexiles #funcom #conanexiles2022 20 points authority and 19 corrupted let's you run 2 followers or one really strong follower. After reading this guide you must have enough details about the best thralls that you can find and use for different purposes. Grade It also has no armor penetration whatsoever and the lore is pretty vague on why that's the case for this poor bow. But if you use truncheon remember to use shield too, block the thralls attack so that it gets staggered, then launch your attack - light hits only, concussive damage is not higher even if you use heavy hits. The Conan Exiles Thrall Capturing guide will cover some of the factions in the game right now while more will be added as soon as the game gets updated. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. In case anyone's wondering. The components are not too rare or grindy either, meaning players can make multiple copies of this bow for their allies. Usually, you would want Thralls to defend your base or come on your expeditions with you so that they can craft items. Your thrall can get messed up with 95% growth chance in strength because RNG decides to give you a pseudo archer. When a weapon matching their default type is in their inventory they will switch in melee combat. Weapons such as swords and maces can be a good option. 1557.4 2023 GINX TV Ltd. However, thralls that work on crafting stations can also prove to be better than others. Entertainers are mainly used to remove corruption and regenerate health. The Nerd Lodge is a gaming site that provides guides, news, reviews, tier list, and more. Thrall Types you just exhaust your stamina. It's made with epic light padding and silk, but it is actually a medium armor so much better points of armor. It depends on which type of capabilities you are looking for. In trained hands, bows are lethal weapons that can bring down . Okay, so if any exile here wants a bow that's highly competent and means business, then the Reach of the Red Mother is the most serious one they can get. Armor Penetration Damage The white line above his health bar indicates his state of consciousness and unconsciousness. Weight Here we have discussed a good amount of information about the best thralls in Conan Exiles. This is all weve on our Conan Exiles Thrall Guide. Thralls are fine. RELATED: Conan Exiles: Tips To Help You Survive. In terms of raw damage, it's slightly better than the Frostshot but it does have worse armor penetration than that one. The Vitality attribute primarily deals with your health or HP, which youll max out to gain the various perks for this build. Armorer thralls drop under the worker category so they dont have any health points. Now, just wait for a while until the process is completed and there you have it your enslaved thrall. An ancient weapon The only explanation is that the bow launches arrows at a slow and weak speed. The only difference between them and the Fighters is the fact that Archers use ranged combat to inflict damage. *:Music *:*:*. I run 20 in authority with katana and bow, but only put 15 in agility. Conan Exiles Horse Locations & How To Tame Them, Dead By Daylight Mobile Bundle Codes (May 2023): Free Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, More, Roblox Doors Codes (April 2023): Free Knobs, Revives and More, Roblox King Legacy Codes (April 2023) Beli, Gems, Stat Resets & More, Roblox Encounters codes (April 2023) - Free Crystals, Keys, Tickets, Is The Chillblast Gaming Laptop Worth It? The lore behind this weapon is that the arrows it shoots always break into splinters. Pretty much every NPC in the world can be captured provided they arent named story related characters. Also, you will need to craft Truncheon and Fiber Bindings. 9.9% Other viable options like the Star Metal Great Sword can work until you've looted Teliths Sorrow but dont forget to apply the Master Weapon Fitting upgrade. No thrall We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. T4 Builder The only issue is it can be a pain to actually get this bow to use. The Mongols can attest to that and Conan Exiles lets players exercise that safer way of being a conqueror by using bows. Level These thralls can unlock some unique recipes for you and also decrease the crafting time. Carved from a single piece of wood, the hunting bow is used across the world and in hundreds of variants. The Dragonbone Bow makes up for the lower damage output by being readily available through crafting. So, here we are going to discuss the exact locations where you can find these thralls. A large part of the versatility of the bow comes from the arrows used in battle. Obviously the three basic combat options are "guard position", "prioritise melee . Here the crafting recipes can be completed at a 2x faster time if the armorer thrall is placed. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. DLC What differs from other builds is that the perks selected grant various bonuses for your followers or Thralls, which keeps them in combat for longer. Farming this bow is quite the herculean endeavor as it drops from the Red Mother, which is an enormous mommy dragon looking to slap some naughty exile kids. Trying to stay up to date with all games, entertainment media and memes. T2 Agility Weapon I can't seem to find a bow that's worth writing home about. For instance, Level I Thrall speeds up crafting by ~10% while Level II also reduces crafting cost by ~25%. Weight Check out the list of guides:Isle Of Siptah Infinite Stamina Build | Master Gatherer Build |Sorcerer Supreme Build|Strength Build|Base Building Build. Durability Sadly, it seems that the developers ran out of ideas for legendary bows as one of them, the Eye of the Khan is identical to The Huntress down to the bonus stat. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. To acquire a Thrall, you will need to complete the Thrall Take Journey which youll receive the blueprint for the Purple Lotus Orb, but more importantly, unlocks Thralls.Thralls can engage in combat, whether defending your base or attacking enemy camps. For this reason, it is best to have them on high walls or towers overlooking the area that your Fighters are defending up close. Thralls do not dodge and do not have stamina issues, neither do they get any skill buffs from armor like players do. Finally getting to grips with the finer points of archer thralls. 9.1% (Picture: Funcom). You still have really good damage with the Skelos armor, and I'm not a fan of the last agility perk. Masterful Bow (Epic) can be used with the following ammunition: Masterful Bow Weapon Repairing Masterful Bow (Epic) requires up to: 10 Eldarium Masterful Bow (Epic) can be dismantled to: 2 Eldarium Durability Damage Weight All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. For more help on Conan Exiles, read out our NPCs/Camps Locations Guide, Leveling Guide, and Race & Religion Guide. For a bow, this is a more valuable addition compared to any other stat increase. On top of the better numbers, the Pristine Khari Bow gives tons of stat bonuses such as +3 to Strength and +3 to Accuracy. 3.97 All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Now, if players find that dragon body parts are too much to farm for the Dragonbone Bow, then they can opt for something a little simpler and more environmental-friendly such as the Flawless Star Metal Bow. Hopefully a non-legendary one, since farming those is a bit tedious. Thrall Levels The remaining armor pieces give you a 5% Strength Weapon Damage bonus, each with a combined total of 31% Strength Weapon Damage. Armor Piercing. While they can harvest or farm efficiently, they can be engaged in combat to protect your base or aid you in attacking enemy camps and gaining more Thralls. Weight Once players find the right NPC they want to capture, they need to knock them out with the Truncheon, tie them with Fiber Bindings and then drag the unconscious NPC to their Wheel of Pain. 2 4 Related Topics Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming 4 comments Add a Comment T1 Thralls are added in the game for your better experience and help you in completing tasks in a much better and faster way. Nowadays he mostly risks his bladder as he tries to hold his urine waiting for those precious post-credits scenes at the movies or trying to kill Souls-like bosses. Pskov October 17, 2022, 6:00pm 9 However, choosing at least one thrall from each category would be a good thing. Any meat will work including human flesh. 23 Best Weapon To Knock Out Thralls In Conan Exiles FireSpark81 163K subscribers 108K views 3 years ago #ConanExiles #conan #funcom In this Conan Exiles video, we take a look at. This video is based on Testlive data everything in it is subject to change.In this Conan Exiles 3.0 video, we talk about thrall nerfs and I show you a build that will have your thralls back into the fight stronger than ever. As for ones you can craft, pretty much every Epic Flawless Bow is 22 damage and the easiest of these to make is. Damage Type Are you interested in more Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery build guides? For armor, some form of heavy armor is best as thralls do not suffer any of the stamina regen problems player characters have with heavy armor. Best heavy you can craft. #1 Road to Crusader Apr 24, 2019 @ 11:33am Originally posted by BigBombz: Best heavy you can craft. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Splinter and Eye of Khan are also in the running but are legendary drops from legendary chests. The priests usually have a set spawn point and it is very easy to block a priest. We've detailed the best Attributes, perks, weapons, armor, and Thrall options for this Thrall Master build in Conan Exiles. Don't be fooled by the name, Frostshot isn't anything special in the projectile department. They are particularly useful in defending a region against NPCs or against other players during a raid. It will do whatever you ask it to. Thinks Fortnite is the only battle royale that should exist. He finds respite in the sweet embrace of mass media escapism after having risked his life too many times as a journalist covering warzones and depressed areas. That last one might be the culprit for the AI not switching to melee mode. For general thrall tips and to walk you through the steps of "taming" your first thrall, Emily Parker . Speaking of bows that are easier to acquire, the Dragonbone Bow is right up there. This video is based on Testlive data everything in it is subject to change.In this Conan Exiles 3.0 video, we talk about thrall nerfs and I show you a bu. Conan Exiles: 10 Mistakes Beginners Tend To Make, Conan Exiles: 10 Great Areas To Build A Base, Conan Exiles: 10 Tips To Help Players Build An Awesome Base, Conan Exiles: All Console Commands & What They Do, Honkai Star Rail: Sampo Treasure Map Location (Survival Wisdom), Dead Island 2 Changes Make Game Way More Immersive, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Complete Guide and Walkthrough. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Ashleigh Klein is a Staff Writer at GINX Esports TV based in South Africa. 3.47 The bow does offer a +5 to Accuracy but that's wasted a bit depending on the enemy. 0 Now includes the new expansion update The Frozen North featuring a new land in which to survive, build, and dominate!Buy The Game Support The Channel:\u0026charity=12277 : ' x N : : : : : : : : Spark of ExcellenceBy The Talented @xXasdfMAN12Xx AKA: Sean Wolf#ConanExiles #conan #funcom RELATED: Conan Exiles: 10 Mistakes Beginners Tend To Make. As the name suggests these are the ones that work on your food resources. The thrall in question was initially armed with a bow & stack of arrows, a short sword and shield. Again, the difference between the two is small but the Bessie's Bow seals the deal with an added bonus, specifically +5 to Grit. The bug where thralls would only use combos when wielding the weapon they spawned with has been fixed. 9.3% Players that want to take the bow and arrow approach will have to choose wisely to ensure they deal enough damage to attack efficiently from afar. 1h mace is very effective weapon for them. Thralls are designed to perform a variety of tasks. 3.81 Let's calculate best damage we can do if we have all equipment that we need: Reach of the Red Mother (30 DMG, 30% A.Pen + 15% Acc 40 Perk)+ Advanced Weapon Damage Kit (6 DMG) + Hollowbone Arrow (23 DMG, 54% A.Pen): - (30 + 6 + 23) * 2.95 = 174 Damage with 99% Armor Penetration on Light Attack. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. One Handed Axe: Yog's Touch Most discussed stories from the last week. Masterful Bow (Epic) can be used with the following ammunition: Repairing Masterful Bow (Epic) requires up to: Masterful Bow (Epic) can be dismantled to: Depending on the tier and the T4 specialisation of the profession thrall in the workbench, individual values of the item are buffed. These are the thralls that are capable of combatting and carrying heavy items for you. Conan Exiles' best thralls may fall under the fighter category as they fight with opponents. Armor Penetration All rights reserved. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. The name is a prelude to what it can (or rather, cannot) do as it has no armor penetration at all, meaning it's useless for heavily armored enemies. 3.47 You can also make gruel if you have fiber or seeds available to you at that time. Youll need as much HP regeneration as possible, so youll be spending much of your Attribute points in Vitality. I still think they're outclassed by melee thralls, and the AI could be a bit more flexible, but I'm getting there now. Masterful Bow Isle of Siptah They work at shrines and they make altars. Fighters are melee combatants who will be used to defend your base. Watch the white marker over the Thralls health bar to see when it knocks out. You can, however, use the Hyperborean hood and chest piece until you've acquired the blueprints for the Redeemed Legion Helmet and the Voidforged Dragon Ribs. Weight Then again, some Legendary Chest weapons can prove to be better than crafted bows and Bessie's Bow is one of those. Weight All rights reserved. It was made for religious ceremonies, which is why it doesn't take into account the target's armor or shield. The bow only obtained its name due to a legend about a god bestowing it to one of his devouts in an icy casing. Durability While players can capture most NPCs in the game, some faction thralls provide better bonuses compared to others and as such have specific locations where they can be found. To do that, you need to put them on the wheel of pain. That's why he is trying to get out of melee range, and keep firing arrows. It also gives +5 to Accuracy and has the same damage numbers. The Teliths Sorrow is by far the best Strength weapon for Fighter Thralls, but its an endgame weapon, so any Strength weapon or longsword dealing AoE damage can also work. Thralls placed on a crafting station reduce the materials needed to make items and reduce production time. Once the Thrall has been broken, it is at your will and command. Durability There are some good ranged weapon options, but the Reach of the Red Mother is the best endgame bow weapon. I would put them on a balcony with no exit from it. Knowledge In this Conan Exiles video, we take a look at different options for knocking out thralls to see if the Truncheon is really the best weapon for the job.An open-world survival game set in the brutal lands of Conan the Barbarian! TwoHanded_Ranged Bow It depends on which type of capabilities you are looking for. These thralls are capable of working on Carpenters bench or Artisan Bench. Best weapon and armor choice for thralls? Depending on the tier and the T4 specialisation of the profession thrall in the workbench, individual values of the item are buffed. We know about so many other features of Conan Exiles like you can ride your pets to reach your destination at a much faster pace, you can choose to follow various religions, craft tons of items, and hundreds of other features as well. As HP and Stamina will be a massive issue with this build due to the Armor weight, youll need to get the perks to help you regain that Stamina. Damage The Dragonbone Bow makes up for the lower damage output by being readily available through crafting. Damage I guess "prioritize ranged" means ranged-only mode. Reach of the Red Mother is the best overall bow but requires farming an Unnamed City boss for a >4% drop rate. As your Thralls will deal with and absorb most of the damage in combat, your Thralls need to fight stronger and harder against enemies. More specifically, youll need four Tier 4 (T4) Fighter Thralls that deal large amounts of damage; weve listed the best T4 Fighter Thralls below: Armor-wise, the Hyperborean Slaver armor set is your best option to equip your Thralls with a few tweaks. the Named Thrall reduces crafting costs to half and increase crafting speed by ~50%. This feature is called thralls, NPCs that perform various functions for you. Description Archer thralls are useful for guarding bases and important items as they will immediately shoot at aggressive creatures, enemy thralls, and other players that are not part of the player's clan. Sid was born, did some stuff, then decided to become a writer. Friendly reminder, just because it's named doesn't mean it's necessarily good. Conan Exiles has a unique mechanic that no other survival game has tried. The best craftable Exiled Lands bow is the Khari Bow. Requires 1600.1 Best weapon and armor choice for thralls? Description. highest armor, maybe with some extra vitality and high dps weapon - if you fear losing them take some healing arrows with you. | Technically Speaking, How This Streamer Beat Elden Ring With Her MIND! Legendary Splinter and Eye of Khan are also in the running but are legendary drops from legendary chests. Now, we know many things about thralls and you can choose the best thralls in Conan Exiles. : *: . *:*:*. Fighter thralls with high stats are not that easy to find. Subscribe to our email list for the latest news, guides, and reviews for all things nerdy! Knock them out and then carry them back to your base after you have tied their feet up. The tradeoff is that the armor penetration is considerably lower compared to the Frostshot. I've been experimenting with the archer thrall AI, and so far it's been an unmitigated disaster. In trained hands, bows are lethal weapons that can bring down a foe from afar. While your character will provide as much support as possible, you still need protection before engaging in battle. So far it's going well. Sadly, it doesn't infuse its arrows with cold damage despite the name's implications. That last one seems to work best, but it's inconvenient needing to generate all that zeal. However, thralls that work on crafting stations can also prove to be better than others. Cost Yet another weird bow that's too picky with its targets is Derketo's Voice. Players need to be at least level 10 before they can start the process of capturing thralls. Statistically, The Huntress is identical to Bessie's Bow but the mechanical appearance and make of the weapon might be more appealing for some players. You can pick any alchemist thrall as long as the race doesnt matter for you. T3 Reach of the Red Mother is the best overall bow but requires farming an Unnamed City boss for a >4% drop rate. Jedi Survivor Koboh Tar Pit Puzzle Solution, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Best Fighter Thrall Locations Conan Exiles. Too bad it shares a lottery slot with other legendary bows. For one archer thrall, that might be a viable option, but if you are equipping a gang of archers, then you'll want a craftable bow. Masterful Bow Moreover, you can also let them use an axe which is a pretty good weapon as compared to a bow. The short answer is "it depends." Mostly it depends on what you will be fighting. Make sure not to swing your Truncheon too wildly, as it may kill the NPC rather than knocking them out. We also don't always go by the highest attack values, but also by armor penetration, weight and additional values like bleeding damage. Alternatively, you can use Thralls as moveable inventory and use their storage space to carry home all of the loot that you find in your adventures. So if you are looking for a character build to get you back into the game fighting alongside your thrall fast this video is sure to helpGet The Game: online multiplayer survival game, now with mounts and mounted combat, set in the lands of Conan the Barbarian.
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