clerk of the circuit court of cook county forms

Probate Forms - Cook County. Guardianship and Advocacy Commission This is a secured portal for users of the Illinois State . 158 0 obj <>stream Learn more about Remote Court Hearings by Zoom. Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Parenting Plan Notice of Motion Blank Motion Prove Up Sheet Financial Affidavit Interim Fee Award Order Court Reporter Information Sheet *For more court forms, please visit the Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court's website and the Illinois Supreme Court's website Circuit Court of Cook County, Probate Division Richard J. Daley Center, 18th Floor 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 CCP 0222 B (12/01/20) File No. These forms are available in the Civil Division of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County (Clerk's Office) in Room 601 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington St., Chicago, IL, 60602 or at . She championed a law allowing people who are not comfortable speaking or understanding English, as well as those who have trouble hearing, to get assistance from an interpreter in acourtroom. There are five options for serving your summons. On this page and the associated links, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County provides helpful information to assist customers in clearing their records. Fort Lauderdale: (954) 769-5700 NOTE: DO NOT SEND CASH. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. In 2021, legislation led by Clerk Martinez was signed into law requiring anyone wanting to access restricted information related to the identities of child or adult sex crime victims to petition the court to obtain access to those documents. Under specific circumstances, Illinois law allows felony, misdemeanor, or municipal ordinance violation records in Criminal and Traffic cases to be expunged or sealed. i+_@WTu>Bq',2i 8 endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>stream Include a self-addressed stamped business envelope and allow a minimum of two weeks for a response. Birth Certificates/Death Certificates 312-603-0135. If you are not eligible for expungement of your records, please check to see if you are eligible for sealing of your records under the "Criminal and Traffic Sealing Guidelines and Forms" section below. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. 2023 - All rights reserved, Follow this link to skip to the main content, Read More About Purchasing Electronic Certified Court Documents Online. For further assistance, contact the Marriage Division at (954) 831-7283. Supreme Court First Judicial Circuit Second Judicial Circuit Third Judicial Circuit Fourth Judicial Circuit Fifth Judicial Circuit Sixth . Depends on availability of court documents. Will I have to pay for service by Certified Mail. A petition for guardianship (with the appropriate filing fee) must be filed in the Clerk's Office. The law is designed to let people clear their records with or without an attorney. Record Types: Bankruptcy and Immigration, Main Number: (305) 523-5210 If they have to be informed by mail or by publication (in a newspaper), it takes six to ten weeks. For more information on Public Records Policy, Authentication of Copies (also known as exemplification or triple seal), $25 per 15 minute increment of IT staff time. 50 West Washington Street Richard J. Daley Center Office of the Presiding Judge - Suite 1803 Chicago, Illinois 60602 (312) 603-7546; (312) 603-7545; (312) 603-5943 (312) 603-6673 TTY (312) 603-6721 Fax Honorable Daniel B. Malone Presiding Judge Jurisdiction Case Types Announcements COVID-19 Emergency Procedures On November 3, 2020, Clerk Iris Y. Martinez made history when elected as the first Latina Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, the largest of the 24 judicial circuits in Illinois as well as one of the largest unified court systems in the world. Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. The following sample forms are available: Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Unio. If you are unable to locate or view copies of court documents online, submit a Court Records Request Form to the Archives division. Older court documents can only be purchased from the Archives Division. Please note that the court will also do a background check and an abuse and neglect check on the prospective guardian(s), and this may take between four to six weeks to complete. Clerk Martinezs time as an elected official began on January 8, 2003, when she was sworn in as the first Latina elected to the Illinois State Senate, representing the people of the 20th Legislative District. Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. Please see below disclaimer. Th e information contained herein is for administrative purposes only and cannot be introduced into evidence. Click here, After Hours Domestic Violence filing Start here, 50 West Washington St., State of Illinois Department on Aging %PDF-1.7 % Fall River County Courthouse. Supreme Court Forms & Documents Rural Attorney Recruitment Program Judge Preferences Certified Attorneys Additional . Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division,, Clerk of the Circuit Court Phone Number (312) 603-5030 Email Mission The Clerk of the Circuit Court serves the citizens of Cook County and the participants in the judicial system in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. Clerk Martinez was born and raised in Chicagos West Town neighborhood. It allows users to print forms, get answers to frequently asked questions, view payments history and more. Since the Clerk took office on December 1, 2020, she has centered efforts on the statutory duties and responsibilities of the Office while supporting her mission to update and increase the use of technology, transform operations, and increase transparency while providing the proper COVID-19 safeguards at all our locations for our employees and constituents. 12/01/20) Iris Y. Martinez, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Page 1 of 1 Case No. Because every family situation is unique, the sample forms below may not fit your circumstances exactly. Yes, you will be required to pay the Clerks Office a nominal fee to serve by Certified Mail. Iris Y. Martinez, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Page 1 of 2 Subpoena in a Civil Matter (For Testimony and/or Documents) Notice to Deponent: (12/01/20) CCG 0106 B The deponent is a public or private corporation, partnership, association, or governmental agency. If you qualify, your records will either be expunged or expunged and sealed by law enforcement agencies and will be sealed by the Clerk's Office. Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. Once guardianship papers (the petition) are filed with the court, the process takes about six to ten weeks. Clerk Martinez worked with the Illinois General Assembly to protect the identities of child and adult sex crime victims. Chicago, IL 60602. . Click here for instructions on how to enable javascript. Through the IV-D Program absent parents can be located, parentage can be established, and support orders can be enforced to ensure child support payments. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Public Records Custodian Pursuant to 119.12(2), F.S. Yes, you will be required to pay a filing fee. With guardianship, parents keep some of these rights and responsibilities. With adoption, birth parents give up all rights and responsibilities for the child. or go in person to the appropriate Clerk of Court Service Location to order, purchase or view copies of court records. Court . Location: 69 West Washington St., Room 1800, Chicago, IL 60602. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Below is a summary of the types of electronic court documents that are available for access online. A certified copy of a marriage license issued by the Broward County Clerk of Courts from 1915 to 1997 may only be purchased in-person at the Marriage Central Courthouse location below: A certified copy of a marriage license issued by the Broward County Clerk of the Courts from 1998 to present can be purchased from any of the following courthouse locations below: Access to other record types are available through the following agencies, Record Types: Official Recorded Documents, Mortgages and Deeds, Record Types: Broward County property record information, Record Types: Certified Birth and Death Certificates. NOTE: Eviction/Joint Action cases cannot be served by Certified Mail. The Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice has approved the following forms. Please enter Name Information Below. Public Access to Judicial Records Pursuant To Rule 2.420, Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. You may serve by Certified Mail if your claim does not exceed $10,000, and the defendant is in the state of Illinois (check the box for Certified Mail on the summons). For cases where no one is available to be guardian of the disabled person; an agency is required to be guardian of the person and/or estate; and there are assets of LESS THAN $25,000. 540 SE 3rd Avenue, Room 02460 Record Types: Background Checks, Criminal History Search and FDLE Public Records. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save them properly so that you can electronically file them Suggestions? Clerk Martinezs involvement with the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus, including previously serving as a Co-Chair, expanded her work on initiatives of importance to minority communities. Can I file an order of protection in the Probate Division. On this page and the associated links, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County provides helpful information to assist customers in clearing their records. Martinez was named Majority Caucus Whip in 2013 and became Assistant Majority Leader again in 2018. Postal Service. *For more court forms, please visit the Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Courts website and theIllinois Supreme Courtswebsite, Privacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal Holiday ScheduleRules of the Court Orders of the Court. Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Y. Martinez and her staff will be providing cook county residents with essential information about court cases and records. Custer County Courthouse. State of Illinois Treasurers Office - Unclaimed Property Page The judge reviews the petition and the background check that has been conducted on all potential guardians. You may pick up a schedule of filing fees at the Customer Service Counter in the Civil Division in Room 601 of the Richard J. Daley Center or view the Small Claims fee schedule at Such information may include social security numbers, bank numbers with access/security codes, and victim name(s) and address(es) in criminal proceedings. She resides in the citys Albany Park neighborhood and has a daughter, Jacklyn Nicole. Make check payable to: All funds must be drawn on a U.S. bank in the appropriate amount. Only viewable electronic court documents can be purchased online. Only viewable electronic court documents may be purchased online. Step 3: Serving your summons. The Probate Division also hears actions and proceedings concerning contracts to make a will, construction of wills, the appointment of testamentary trustees during the period of administration and the appointment of receivers pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 776. Please be aware that forms will be displayed in a NEW browser window. The cost to purchase a Marriage License is $5.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for each additional copy. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, LAW DIVISION CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET - CASE INITIATION A Civil Action Cover Sheet - Case Initiation shall be fi led with the complaint in all civil actions. If you are unable to locate or view copies of court documents online, submit a Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Invitation to join us at Circuit Court Clerk in the Community, Emergency Order of Protection-Cook County, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division. 50 W Washington St, Also, if able, the parents must contribute money to support the child. 50 West Washington St., For standardized forms that have been approved for use by the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice pursuant to Rule 10-101 can be found at the link below. "Expunged" records are destroyed. Chicago, IL 60602. Phone: 312-603-0800. The clerk's office will file your paperwork, provide you with a case number, assign a judge to your case, and issue your summons. Contact: 1-800-252-8966 (inside Illinois). All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Iris Y. Martinez, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois Page 1 of 2 CERTIFICATE AND MOTION FOR DEFAULT PROVE-UP IN SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL DISTRICT. Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Court documents are available for purchase from the Archives Division or Court Division in which the case is filed.

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clerk of the circuit court of cook county forms