catalina 22 mast crutch

The old KVH display is dead so Ill switch it out (plugging holes with marine plastic and epoxy) with a new RayMarine i40. thanks for the reply,that is good to know ! Walk the mast aft and drop the mast foot into the mast step on top of the deck, keeping the mast in center line of boat, insert the pivot bolt and locking nut. Anything that takes more time during setup means less time sailing and is the enemy of a trailer sailor. Mick Hodapp. First, your mast is longer and heavier than a C-22 so I would always use the boom as a gin pole. I saw this question on a recent thread and it reflects my earlier experience also. That is, to cradle the mainsail when its lowered so that it doesnt spill onto the cabin and cockpit. total. Port Isabel, Texas, United States. For me, it has to be secure enough to tow for a hundred miles over bumpy state highways and county backroads to my favorite cruising spots. Beats giving up sailing! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can read all about it in Add a Solar-Powered Flood Light in Your Cockpit. You wouldnt need to be concerned about painting or rust. Eye straps will work just fine on the spreaders. Good morning fellow sailor & thank you for the speedy reply & the information, hopefully ill put it to good use ! Tie downthe mast and rigging for trailering. When were tied off at the dock, the cradle makes flaking the mainsail properly easier than before because its partly done already. You are truly a part of your own healthcare Read More, Have seen a number of internists over the years, and just want to say that Dr Shor is NOT your average internist. A smaller sailboat could indeed be trickier to step the mast single-handed since it has less rigging to aid the process. If you dont have cleats at the end of your boom, install a pad eye on each side instead. Did you ever do it? at the mast step. Factory-built gin poles, braces, guy wires, and mast-ups, DIY wooden gin poles with winches, bridles, and brace poles, Blocks attached to the pulpit to reusethe trailer winch cable, Electric winches on the trailer or in the tow vehicle, Jumbo bungee cord connected tothe forestay, Assorted Rube Goldberg variations on all the above, A peg on oneend of the pole that fits in ahole in the mast (the factory system for 2nd generation C-22s), A saddle on the end of the gin pole that fits around and is strapped to the mast (most DIY systems). I get them from various suppliers, Bob. mast. A certain online Catalina parts retailer offers a simple but expensive kit specifically for the C-22. It apears to . Thanks for the info & the quick reply & ditto on the happy new year ! Also, I receive the posts by e-mail but I never received the password for the download section. Let me know how they work out for you. The other ends of the cords have loops tied into them that I tie to the upper ends of the midship lifeline stanchions with girth (cow) hitches. I dont want to miss any more. It's ugly now, because it is proof of concept at this stage. Raising the Catalina 22 Mast Without a Gin Pole Stingy Sailor 4.26K subscribers Subscribe 303K views 7 years ago Demonstration of how I step the mast of my Catalina 22 sailboat with. This way, the mast will be somewhat stable while you work on the forestay attachment and the forward lowers. I do that sometimes. If you do decide to mix metals, I recommend applying a corrosion inhibitor like Marlube so that you can remove the screws in the future if you need to. He gives me hugs every time after my appointments with him which just goes Read More, December 22, 2011 I became an advocate of HBOT and I will be writing to my insurance a letter explaining how it benefited me, in the hopes they make it available to other Lyme pati Read More, The Forgotten School Year You can see it in action in the last two videos. Im looking to install lazy jacks on a MacGregor Venture 2-24. Youre right. I replaced the spreaders on my boat last summer, and while they are firmly attached at the mast with fairly hefty brackets and bolts, the pipes themselves are remarkably light and the upper shrouds are only held to the outside spreader ends by a pair of flimsy plastic caps screwed into the spreader ends. It passes through cringles in the sail and carries the luff slides. Cut slots in the sides for the through bolt to slide up and down. What if you want to lower the mast to go under a bridge? They are currently submitting their Semifinalist applications to be reviewed . Improve your sailboat's performance, safety, comfort, and appearance! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Those should last a lifetime. (with holes that slide onto the pintel posts mounted on the stern of With the trailer winch? This slackens the whole system so that its out of the way when it comes time to hoist the sail again and the lazy jacks dont affect the sail shape. Most C-22gin poles use one of two methods to attach the gin pole to the mast: Neither of those gin polesserveany purpose after the mast is raised. I guess my only concern is the downward pull of the sail on the spreaders as the sail is being dropped and possibly luffing around in the wind, as others in the comments above expressed as well. This is my first cruiser (purchased in July) and Ive much to learn from your blog. As said before, the mast is light enough to lift, however if something goes wrong as you are raising that thing will cause a lot of damage and maybe injury (I squished my wifes toe just a little). Put a wingnut on the end of the through bolt for easy removal and youve got a pivoting mast. If you dont get it, I dont know what more I can do on my end. class of Coca-Cola Scholars, the Foundation has provided more than $, 0 program alumni who together have become a powerful force for positive change. And it divides the mainsail width about in half with the lazy jacks spanning the whole width. The boom will then rotate with the mast as it raises and lowers. Either the lines fasten to the boom, which needs to be removed while trailering or they fasten to the mast and you need to reeve the lines through fittings on the boom in order to set them up. Mast Up Sailboat Mast Raising System is an easy mast stepping device and supports your mast while My C-25 teak companionway/hatchboards need replacement after 20 years, probably all standing rigging needs replacement even though it all looks fine at deck level (in the Lake continuously since 08), etc., etc. I read about it on TropicalBoating ( Due to the many possible variations in sailboat rigging, I dont offer a kit. When its time to haul out and go home, you simply disconnect the shock cords, stow the system tight against the mast, and the boom can come off without any dangling lines attached. Where did you find such thin-walled square tubing for your mast stepper? Thank you Mark. As it turns out, its really pretty easy to do. Catalina 22 Central Penna. Any of you other readers out there try them attached to the spreaders? I need to carefully review your technique but it seems ones boom would remain upward; although Im sure you lower it when finished? Call +1 833-471-7100 for pricing. You mention the newsletter. Can we raise and lower the mast single-handed with the main sheet and the boom? If you build the lazy jacks like I describe here, with static rope for the upper segments and shock cord for the lowers, then the amount of shock cord is the same regardless of how you rig the uppers. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. determining the length of it? Make sure aft lowers and uppers are connected to pad eye. Book "Two Years Before the Mast" #BK22. I also have a C22 & I am about to employ your lazy jacks, but I was considering doing away with the top segment and securing the middle segment to the spreaders through an eyelet riveted to the top of each spreader about a foot from the mast. Ill give you an overview of each aspect in the text below but to really get it, you should watch the videos. Wasnt sure whether that would be sent out automatically, or whether I needed to specifically ask for them. How far down is the second hole in the 1 tubing? I also see the stress on the mast crutch essentially dictates one use the transom gudgeons for support. Required fields are marked *. the mast! Could you send a pic of quick release on forward shrouds and forstay and the pin you spoke of in vid. Thanks for the video on the no pole lift, thats pretty much how I need to do it though I usually am working on the hard before getting a lift in. Catalina 22 Capri. either 5/16" or 1/2" pintels (the pin that fits into the hole of a After being bounce from one doctor to another with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I was told Read More, I had been to several doctors since the mid-nineties with first one complaint and then another till I just quit going for fear that I would be branded a 'hypochondriac'. At the bow, my mast is tied down using my bowline and the DIY timber A frame mast crutch tied down at the rear with a rope tied to cleats on either side of the transom. The other end passes through the mast carrier, around the mast, and hooks back onto itself. A shorter crutch can be built for trailering only, it need not be of one design and expandable for all uses. Im not concerned about them pulling down on the spreaders too much, there isnt much force applied by the bungee cord and the upper shrouds will resist it. They connect tothe sides of the boom with clips through the eye straps where my boom topping lift and jiffy reefing lines attach. How do you step the mast on your trailerable sailboat, with a gin pole? After the mast is down, you need to unpin the mast step . The distance isnt critical but depending on how tight the fit is between the inner and the outer tube, the hole might work better even farther up the inner tube. I spoke to my fabricator friend about using aluminum and, him not knowing about the stepping process was most concerned about the hinges holding weight while trailering over the road. It looks like Amazon Web Services is continuing its relentless expansion in Northern Virginia. Usea DIY telescoping mast crutch for easier stepping and secure trailering. You temporarily attach these to hooks and eyes on the boom during use. Hi Ken, I just found your site. 21155 Smith Switch Road, Ashburn, VA, USA, 9200 E. Mineral Ave., Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80112. He actually cares about you as a person not as just another patient. If your sailboat doesnt have the same style of gooseneck fitting as a Catalina 22 or you cant use your boom for some other reason but you do have a spinnaker pole, you might be able to use it instead as this picture from a Westerly 21 owner shows. This is the same configuration as when the main sheet is attached for sailing. The rest of the process would work the same. The first is thelaunch checklist that I use to prepare and launch Summer Dance. I connect the forestay to a shackle on the top side of the (upper) end of the boom. This is a condition that can be associated with signs and symptoms involving the skin, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system and frequently neurologic complaints, such as cognitive fog. Amazon AWS Ashburn Data Center is located at 21155 Smith Switch Road, Ashburn, VA, USA. I disconnect the main sheet and attachit to the traveler car. Aha moments are great! It's 8 feet and I just hoist the mast up onto it before using the A-frame up front and it's wonderful. Since I use my mainsheet tackle, no, but if you want to use a separate tackle, that would be a good idea. The Mast Stepper is a square metal rod that slips into the gudgeons where your rudder normally goes. Brilliant. Sailboats ranging from the West Wight Potter 15, all the way up to the MacGregor 36 and Catalina 42, will find a more . Its two pages of items that can help make sure you dont forget something important for your next cruise everything from an umbrella for the first mate while she waits for you to step the mast to step-by-step instructions that you can have on deck for the gin pole method described above. Thanks!! Make sure you run your lazy jacks inboard of it if you add one. With theaddition of the2022class, theCoca-Cola Scholars Foundationwill have providedmore than6,600CokeScholarsnationwide withover$78million in scholarshipsover the course of 34years. Step 1: Raise the Mast Up to its fullest height. But other than that modification, I wouldnt change a thing. They helped save my life literally. As it rotates backward during unstepping, the bottom end of the mast and the through bolt should ride up in the slots. I am definitely a long time blog follower, and look forward to every post, but I have never gotten a newsletter. Please try following again and if the error repeats, send me the text or a screenshot of the error so I can investigate. I made a mast crutch that I mounted in the cockpit to hold the end of the mast up at the proper angle. Cant wait to try this! I have the same quick release. Im a big fan of your posts. Its also important that the mainsail batten ends dont catch in the system on the mainsails way up or down. #Z4120. Have you experienced any water penetration through this hole? Good afternoon Ken, i have a mac 25 that id like to incorporate your ingenious system to,however, i want to eliminate the top segment & install something about a foot out on each spreader but am wondering if i need to use swivel blocks on the spreaders or will eye straps work ? All rights reserved. If you believe in the rulethat you should have a backup for every critical part and system, then you also need a backup mast stepping plan even if you normally step the mast with the factory recommended method. (LogOut/ Seeing your system to step the mast, Im trying to adapt it to my boat, a 82 French Rocca Super Chausey. There are a couple of industrial metal suppliers in my area that sell their cut-offs retail to the public by the pound. You are Read More, You transformed our entire family from one whose future looked destroyed to a family that now holds a future full of good health and happiness Read More, The treatment that I was receiving prior to Dr. Shor was not helping me progress toward my resolution of my fight with Lyme disease. I am doing things that I haven't done in years. It's made partly of regular rope and partly of shock cord. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Its free and you can unsubscribe at any time but almost nobody does! It is a permanent winged keel configuration. I was only introduced to sailing two years ago when I bought a Sunfish. If you dont have the resources to make one yourself, maybe you can find a friend or a metal fabricator to help. Im a DIY guy as well and love your site! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ill splice eyes in all the ends at that time. He also suggested using a beefier thickness if choosing aluminum just like your suggestion. This follows closely the Catalina 22 Owners Manual and General Handbookrecommendation. The thing is the boat is smaller 20 vs 22 I have no lifelines nor a rear rail, walking down the side of the boat would be a challange, never mind running lines while doing so. Hence, nothing for the mast to pivot on. Ill describe two ways that I step the mast, including one way that doesnt use a gin pole at all. Basically you are matching the hardware on your rudder. Thanks, Mick. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Good luck with your projects and thanks for your question! Eugene, Oregon 97402, If you feel that you've received this message in error, please, Capri 25' and the new I like the idea of using PVC tube & fence to make mast supports. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fortunately, I found Dr. Shor who understands t Read More, Dr.Shor has been a wonderful doctor. Learn more This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. $tingy. Its free and you can unsubscribe at any time but almost nobody does! Lenny, Ive been using the same design lazy jacks on a MacGregor 26M for a couple years and am very pleased with them. It's much more important than that! Hi Stingy Sailor, But hey, its like having a built-in boom kicker! total. For stowing, you can stretch them to hook onto whatever hardware you already have that is convenient. Winch-powered mast raising systems are a good choice for owners with impaired physical abilities. Thanks. if pop rivets are the only way to go would ss rivets have to be used & if so, what would you have to do to prevent corrosion between the different metals ? Lets see sailboat design is all about capturing, multiplying, and redirecting forces for mechanical advantage: the hull, keel, rudder, mast, sails, rigging, almost everything. They really just help to hold the boom vertical while youre setting the system up until you begin to raise the mast. The stanchions arent in much danger because the boom doesnt weight much and it cant wander very far at all since its held in tension between the forestay (running aft) and the main sheet (running forward). The boom. How could your system be used with a furling 150 genoa on a Catalina 25? gudgeons. The rope lines form an inverted Y at the top and fasten permanently to the mast like other systems. 14 F OR STERN O ACCES O O DECKLT O O O O F THRU PANEL FOR RED '14 , TO BATTERY O TO O '14 GROUND LINER DECK RE HARNESS AT SHEER CONNECTOR LT.. WHITE Send us a good picture of the final product and Ill add it at the end of the post as an example! Ive found that having them a different size and color than my running rigging helps to distinguish them when setting up the rigging. Copyright 2023. I used 1/4 marine shock cord. A mast crutch doesnt have to be that strong, its only carrying 1/2 the weight of the mast which only weighs about 60 to 80 lbs. Rivets arent required and you could use tapping screws with the same results. Sailcloth is so slippery that the sail falls easily onto the mast. Mast Complete C-22 <-85 Shop by Category Back Shop by Category Deck Fill Pipes & Caps Engine Back Engine Fuel System Froli Bed Springs Garage Sale Back Garage Sale Line Remnants Back Line Remnants Dacron Line Halyard Line Wire Remnants Back Wire Remnants Coax Duplex Triplex Fourplex Handbooks Lifelines, Stanchions, Pulpits These 250 students have advanced to the next stage of selection in the Coca-Cola Scholars Program! Im going to try this for my Columbia 8.3. We found 155 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. I also watch the stays and shrouds to be sure they dont catchon anything as they raise off the deck. When it comes time to put Summer Dance on the trailer, I unhook the ends of the shock cords from the boom, clip them into the lower eye straps and loop the slack under the mast cleats. The rest is just pulling the main sheet with one hand while I steady the mast with my other. Put the They dont have to be very strong. I posted a comment sometime back about your ingenious lazy jack system that i want to use on my Mac25 & am finally ready to take a shot at putting it together & have all of the materials & tools except for the pop rivet tool that i see you used to fasten the hammock hooks to the boom. During testing, the mainsail battens fouled in the lazy jacks more often than not since the lazy jacks were only a few inches apart to start with. that is an ingenious way to raise a mast,nice work ! One crew member pulls on the forestay while another pushes on the mast. Sailing isn't a matter of life and death. Great post. Hi! A mast crutch would also help in that case. 2018 Internal Medicine of Northern Virginia. Thats right, Jim. So clear and easy to follow. and service demonstrated in school and community activities. I mounted hammock hooks on the boom 4 from the mast. You can pin the boom to it similar to how I do it to my bracket. I recommend starting with one foot and testing. Hi $tingy, Convert Your Lights to LED Bulbs for More Light with Less Power. 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