You can log into your Sims portal here. Get real-time departures from your stop. Further information about our regulations and procedures. invested in our biggestcampus upgrade for ageneration. Cardiff University. Welsh Varsity and associated venues reserve the right to refuse entry of any patrons that act in a way such to damage the reputation and/or Premises License conditions of the Students' Union. Do not wear heels to the SU In terms of accommodation, there are around 9 different university-run accommodation sites. Athletic Union members priority sale: Tuesday 28th February 10am, Tickets on general sale: Wednesday 1st March 12pm. Copyright Cardiff University. Saturday 1st July 2023. Read our 'frequently asked questions' section for more information., -Campus Examination Timetable May 2023 Timetable, School Welcome to the 10th week of the Virtual Medicine Open Day: giving you an insight into each of the UK medical schools and the opportunity to ask current medical students about the realities of studying there! It's time to settle the rivalry as Cardiff face Swansea for the 25th anniversary shield. Your log in details to your Student Intranet account should be your student number, and a unique password that you should have the opportunity to personalise. My Cardiff Record. Some fixtures will require tickets holders to pre-select attendance prior to the event, this will help manage capacity on the day. Welsh Varsity 2023 Day Time Festival Ticket 25. Induction Week (Autumn) Whilst you are enrolled atCardiff University, you should be given access to the Cardiff University Intranet. Remember, alcohol lowers inhibitions, leading to impaired judgement which means you are more likely to take risks and get into trouble. Sims contains your individual Student Record. Click here for live train times for this journey. Entry to Cardiff Arms Park will be via paper ticket. oes dim yn gynwysedig yma yn gorchymyn am nwyddau neu wasanaeth Welsh Varsity 2023 Day Time Festival Ticket. Please see below initial information on disability access: Cardiff Arms Park Rugby Ticket Indoor and Outdoor accessible view area, Sophia Gardens Accessible viewing areas located in a variety of areas, Sport Wales Accessible routes through the venues, Llanrumney Sports Fields Accessible access around outdoor sports fields, Accessible transport will be provided on to help students with access requirements for the day (you must select this in the plan your day email to confirm requirements). I am unable to make the collection dates listed, what can I do? We cannot guarantee that beyond this date we will be able to distribute tickets but we will try our hardest to accommodate those who cannot attend during this time. Health-related programmes may have extended session dates for all or part of the programme. For collection purposes, you will need to bring the student card that you purchased your tickets with. You'll receive your exam timetable in the same format as your term time calendar. Cardiff Metropolitan University. endobj Dissection: In first year, we were taught anatomy through dissection and prosections. You are representing Cardiff University and Cardiff Students Union, as such any breach of these rules may result in you being asked to leave the event and your ticket for any proceeding event being confiscated. In the summer you sit a 3-hour SBA paper on everything youve learnt in first year and youll be required to pass this in order to progress to second year. Wristbands need to be worn and complete to gain entry. Cardiff University Students Union, registered in Wales. - Once purchased, you will have to collect a wristband from the Students' Union from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th April (please see FAQ's for full collection information). Upon collection tickets should be counted and checked that the full quantity expected have been received. This week. Welsh Varsity started out 24 years ago as a rugby match between Cardiff University students and Swansea University students. PureGym Cardiff Gate has slightly more of these classes on the timetable, so may be a good choice for beginners. Cardiff University Park Place, Bus stop, opp Centre for Student Life 03:05 03:50 04:25 05:30 07:20 09:23 10:53 12:53 13:53 - 16:55 17:55 I was in University Hall which had a helpful bus service, available on weekdays from 9pm-5pm. Most people tend to hang out in Cathays (this is basically the city centre area) as clubs, the main Students Union and restaurants are focussed here. There are some useful optional elements we recommend you explore. Prepare and practice in the lead up to your interviews, but relax, smile and be yourself on the day it will go a long way! MyCardiffMet is packed full of useful services and features enabling students & guests round the clock access to: Student Email, Moodle, Student Timetable, PC Availability, Profile of Marks. Just power through! The University tries not to change timetables after they've been published but sometimes it's unavoidable - you should check your online timetable regularly. A breach of any terms of entry to Cardiff Students Union for the Varsity After Party or behaviour deemed by the duty manager to be unacceptable will result in ejection from the venue and a possible ban from the premises. Unacceptable behaviour includes but is not limited to: Behaviour which is likely to cause intimidation. The campaign was launched by Stonewall with the aim of ridding sport of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia through getting players, clubs and fans to stand together and send out a message that it has no place in sport today. Qualification MArch (Hons) Duration 5 Years. CBL at Cardiff is guided by a facilitator and each case ends with a wrap-up to tie up any loose ends and ensure all students have met the learning outcomes. Referencing, presentation skills, revision tips, note taking, essay writing, English language support. PGCE Weeks. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Contact us. After your first week, you begin a 12-week block of Platform for Clinical Sciences (PCS, also known as the most difficult part of the whole of med school). Any inappropriate behaviour or conduct directed towards ticketing staff at the point of collection will not be tolerated and could result in your ticket being invalidated with no refund provided. If you have problems with your timetable, or it's incorrect, check with your MyPort Information Hub that you're registered for the correct modules and the correct amount of credits in the . We are leading the way in interdisciplinary research and innovation with the launch of five institutes dedicated to tackling some of the biggest challenges facing our world. What do I need to bring to collect my ticket? We're continuing to add late notice timetable changes to our 'Short Notice Service Updates' disruption page. Dissection is where we as students separate in order to find and preserve, whereas prosection is where experienced anatomists preserve what we need to learn from. We're so excited to announce that the Welsh Varsity tournament is coming back to Cardiff on the 26th of April. Having attended Cardiff University for 1-5 years between us, we have a good grasp of the learning style used and how it feels to study Medicine at one of the UKs largest medical schools. I have lost my after party wristband, can I still go? Cardiff School of Management Moodle-based Exam Timetable. I would also really recommend going to several society events during Freshers week and being open to talk to everyone. Failure to produce headphones on exit from the Silent Disco will incur an immediate charge of. This may mean a lecture in Heath in the morning followed by a 2 hour break to grab lunch, have a rest and stroll to Cathays for your afternoon practical. Find all Venue spots taking place this Varsity. I also found it to be far from the city centre (around a 45-50 minute walk) but only a 20 minute walk from Heath. The more familiar you become with these applications, the easier they become. Press Enter / Return to begin your search. If you are unable to provide proof of age, you may be refused entry or refused service at our licenced bars. Welsh Varsity 2023 Day Time Festival + Rugby Ticket 32.50. Each student enrolled in Cardiff University has access to their own Sims portal. We publish a range of information that is available to the public as part of our commitment to openness and transparency. Careers advice, fairs and events, work experience and job opportunities. ACCESS HELP AND SUPPORT After a long 4 years, Welsh Varsity is returning to Cardiff's homeground!! Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your wristbands safe and wear them to the yolo afterparty. Price 32.50. A limited number of family tickets will be available to purchase closer to the event for competitors. %PDF-1.5 Programme Timetable. CBL is structured in a way so that during these two weeks, you will have a number of lectures, anatomy prosection sessions, three CBL discussionsand two days of placement there are all designed to aid your understanding of the case. Performance development reviews, probation and academic promotions. Your MyPort Hub will work with the central timetabling unit to investigate further. There is no re-entry to the event, if you decide to leave the club you will need to pay to re-enter, and this will be dependant on capacity restrictions. If you are not a Cardiff University student, please bring a copy of the purchase confirmation with you on the night along with valid photo ID and an alternative valid student card. 1. Summer Vacation Period. L (Xo(}+[ DCkYN~kJdAY,x&B`+JvaC of Education & Social Policy. In 2015, Welsh Varsity sports teams laced up for the first time and showed their support for the Rainbow Laces campaign. We cannot give out tickets before the collection date, but we will try and accommodate an alternative date for you to collect your ticket. I personally play netball and I made some of my really close friends from it. Often they arent warned about how intense it can feel before they start, but the good thing is that everyone is in the same boat, and it doesnt last long. CBL is less intense, more enjoyable and more manageable. If you have a specific question about Cardiff University, or relating to a Cardiff University service, you may be able to enter a related search term into the search bar to try and find more information about what you are looking for. Full information about what you will need to bring will be emailed to you before collection. Men's Squash: 26th April 11am - Squash Courts, Ladies Hockey: 26th April 11:30am - Hockey Astro, Ladies Basketball: 26th April 1pm - Main Hall, Ladies Squash: 26th April 1pm - Squash Courts, Men's Hockey: 26th April 1:30pm - Hockey Astro, Men's Basketball: 26th April 3pm - Main Hall, Swimming (Short Course): 26th April 9:30am, American Football: 26th April 11:30am - Llanrumney 3G #5, Ladies Lacrosse: 26th April 11:30am - Llanrumney Astro #4, Mens Football: 26th April 11:30am - Llanrumney 3G #3, Men's Ultimate Frisbee: 26th April 11:30am - Llanrumney 3G #2, Ladies Ultimate Frisbee: 26th April 1:30pm - Llanrumney 3G #2, Mens Lacrosse: 26th April 1:30pm - Llanrumney Astro #4, Ladies Football: 26th April 2pm - Llanrumney 3G #3, Ladies Cycling: 25th April 10:30am - Maindy Track, Men's Cycling: 25th April 10:30am - Maindy Track, Triathlon: 26th April 9am - Maindy Pool and Track.
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