So, while these two dogs have a ball playing together, they can be a bit of a challenge if you often need to be away. If someone needs livestock herded, they often employ Border Collies. If you have a Border Collie who likes to snuggle, then consider yourself lucky. Therefore, you dont need to have your heart set on a particular sex before adopting a puppy. With this, the other dog youre going to get might become their next target. In some cases, it may be best to base your puppy choice on other factors, like coloration and quality. Two Border Collies that live together, get along well, and are similar in size, will provide each other with most of the daily exercise. But if it's not 100% for you, then step back and consider what the consequences could be. Are Female Border Collies More Affectionate Than Males? This shows that not only does your pooch love spending time with you, but he also respects you and values your relationship with him. The Belgian Shepherd is really similar to the German Shepherd. Also, Goldies love the outdoors, so they can easily keep up with the lively personality of Border Collies. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1293410998927460", They can develop the same eye problems that females do and often at a similar rate. You should know that Border Collies are not only intelligent and playful, buttheyre also incredibly affectionate. They also have a large size that matches well with our active breed. The big eyes, black and white fur, sharp look, and adorable face make them look heartwarming. Featured Image By: Up BIGANDT.COM, Shutterstock; Down Lucia Horvath Photography, Shutterstock. You cannot paste images directly. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. First, females can get certain forms of cancer that males cannot, like uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Dog Advisory Council is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. I adopted them separately but within about 6 weeks of each other. Do Border Collies Get Along With Other Dogs? So if youre tired of your dogs bad behavior or how they react around other people and pooches, then give it a try! The management and training will allow both animals to feel safe in one anothers presence. However, any actual differences are likely to be small and insignificant. That might start with warming your feet while you sit on the couch or following you into bed at night. This includes nipping or barking. Herding breeds don't always appreciate the play and greeting styles of some other types of dogs, such as boisterous and overly goofy dogs, though, but that's often when meeting other dogs out and about. They require extensive amounts of exercise and training to remain healthy and happy. Similar to the Golden Retriever is the Labrador. I suggest raising both these breeds together from puppyhood so that they wont get into each others nerves as adults. Surprisingly, when it comes to Border Collies, theres not much difference between the affection levels of males and females. (Best Companion Dogs For Beagles), Are Labradors Good With Other Dogs? Playing Frisbee, going on long walks or hiking, and anything It is also advisable to Moreover, the German Shepherd dog is very active and athletic. However, other studies have found no difference overall. On the top of the list are the dogs personality and age. Also, should i consider a male or female?? You also might consider taking him for longer walks or giving him more attention in general, depending on the case. They do not usually have the common marking and inappropriate urination problems that males do. I am seriously considering another border collie, but am fearfull of how our current will treat a new puppy. Do Border Collies get along with other dogs? Therefore, females are often bred later than males in general. In the end, how you raise the dog is always more important than the dogs sex. Boxers are really energetic and love to play. Herding is deep in their nature many Collies still work on farms today and herding comes naturally to them. Ample exercise is also necessary to keep this dog happy. For example, males are generally more outdoorsy types, welcoming dogs, while females are more attentive, focused, and loyal. By cuddling with you and then falling asleep, they feel like theyre watching over you. In many cases, canine sports provide them with the outlet that they need to thrive. Q: Are male or female Border Collies better? By one-month-old, the male Border Collies puppies weight could be 3 to 5 pounds (1.4 to 2.3 kg), while the female puppies weight could measure from 2 to 4 Although these dogs are collective and calm in nature they can be fairly aggressive towards other dogs. Small and laidback breeds are out of the window here. From diet, behavior, grooming, and so on, we provide practical tips and tricks for every dog owner. Simply supervise how they play in the beginning and correct any unwanted behavior. If your pup jumps into your lap or sits next to you while you are resting or doing something else, it means that he loves being with you and cherishes the time that you spend together. Read more about us. She currently resides in Tennessee with four dogs, three cats, two fish, and a lizard, though she has dreams of owning chickens one day! A female Aussie Border Collie can grow around 18 to 21 inches (46 to 53 cm) and can weigh between 30 to 50 pounds (14 to 23 kg). ), Do Huskies Get Along With Cats (Best Way To Make It Work), Do Beagles Get Along With Other Dogs? Its important to give each canine its own headquarters to prevent dog fights and negative associations. So if you feel you'd enjoy having another one, by all means consider it. For the breed to be strong, different males need to be studded. The Belgian Tervuren isnt a popular breed, but if youre looking for a companion for your Border Collie, this breed might be perfect. Based on bite statistics, males do bite more than females do. (You can also check out a full review here to learn exactly what the course has to offer! Still, it is actually very significant because dogs only lick others when they are very affectionate. If you are considering getting a companion for your Border Collie, it is important to select a breed that is energetic, intelligent, and can hold its own. Cuddling with you may provide just the solution. Chasing isn't necessarily indicative of herding instinct. It is important to note that a Standard Poodle is large and can play rough. Border Collies are known for being calm and composed around humans. Moreover, the Belgian Tervuren is a smart and sensitive breed, which matches a Border Collies personality. Should I get a border collie? Border Collies like to play with toys and other objects as both a means of entertainment and as a way to bond with their favorite people. You may want to take your dog to the veterinarian if you notice signs of depression, he seems sad or is acting out in ways that are out of the ordinary for him. With that, they will enjoy the company of the equally energetic Border Collie. We recommend the German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, or Golden Retriever. We try to control their interactions but this is impossible in a busy household with 3 dogs and 5 humans. I read online that you should avoid having dogs of the same sex live together, especially females, because they will fight. enable_page_level_ads: true Having two Border Collies is an especially good idea if you do not have the time to exercise your Border Collie every day. Chasing can be both simple play or prey drive, as well as possible herding instinct. Because of their size, they will also be able to hold their own whenever your Border Collie starts playing a little bit rough. Our family currently has a 2 1/2yo Female border collie, who (obvisouly ) has a strong herding instinct. However, they can also be quite the handful due to those exact traits. They are intelligent, obedient, and incredibly energetic. If your dog acts submissive when you pet him, it means that he loves you and appreciates the affection shown to him. If your dog becomes very relaxed when you touch him or pet him, it means that he loves being around you and being affectionate with you. If I were getting a pet dog (and already had an intense female), I would only do so if it was an adult, with a very laid-back personality, ideally a male (but personality matters more), and could be returned to the rescue/etc if a trial period did not work out. If a Border Collie likes you, he or she will display the same behavior regardless of gender. It all depends on the temperaments of the two border collies as well, so do your research, talk to breeders and go to border collie obedience classes to find out what breed and type of border collie will fit into the dynamics of your household. Learn more. - Friends of the Dog. However, anecdotal evidence does suggest that male Border Collies tend to be easier to handle and are more devoted to their owners. Goldies are also excellent training buddies because of their brilliance. Still, if youre looking for a smaller dog, you may want to consider adopting a female. Breeding a female involves exact timing, while males can generally breed whenever. Border Collies are very sensitive canines and cant handle a very noisy household. Border Collies are, by nature, pack animals and want to be a member of your family pack as well as the dog pack if there is one for them to be a part of. A Border Collie who wants to cuddle will sometimes use his body to block you from doing what you are trying to do. Some male dogs have been quite prolific over their lifetime, producing many different puppies. Thats okay, though. Not to mention the fact youll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class. These dogs are larger than Border Collies. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. As pack leader you need to be very clear on what is unacceptable behavior and what will not be tolerated. The best part is that Golden Retrievers are gentle and easy to live with.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bordercollietalk_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bordercollietalk_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Aside from that, Golden Retrievers almost has the same size as Border Collies, a few being a tad larger. If you do your research and refrain from impulse buying, bringing a second border collie home is a rewarding experience for all. If your Border Collie avoids affection, it may be because he doesnt like to be touched, or there may be something else going on. Many people do feed their border collies without separating them but they do it under supervision to begin with until they know both border collies understand the rules.Pack Mentality. If your dog likes to be hugged for a short time, try using the nuzzle method. This may seem like an obvious sign that your pup loves you. Border Collies are very cuddly, and theyre happiest when theyre spending time with someone. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'jubilantpups_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-leader-1-0'); And the best part is it also has a 60-day money-back guarantee! Border Collies are generally known to be very good with cats. I'm not trying to scare you away, just providing my personal experience and opinion. When you show your Border Collie that you care, hell want to spend more time with you and give back all the affection that youre giving to him. She will literally chase anything that moves, including our kids ( boys 6 & 8 ). Despite their girth, the Border Collie Golden Retriever mix can live happily in smaller homes or apartmentsprovided they get plenty of exercise, of course. Considering this breeds working background, however, a house with room to run is optimal. Are Golden Retriever Border Collie mixes good family dogs? According to the American Kennel Club, border collies usually weigh 30 to 55 pounds and live 12 to 15 years. The best balance for two border collies seems to be the male and female balance in a two border collie household. The following characteristics of this breed make it hard for them to thrive with another canine at home: A Border Collies intense energy level is a force to be reckoned with, especially if youre planning to introduce another canine. This tendency to get bored may be particularly troublesome with male dogs, though we dont have any scientific information to back up this claim. So if your dogs skills aren't really, really good, or if you just don't want to risk that kind of thing, you might consider getting a male for your second dog. While both sexes are quite similar to each other, they do have a few key differences. Even though Border Collies are herding dogs that can be dominant and aggressive towards other dogs, they are pack animals and therefore able to enjoy other dog company. Whats more, if they really care about someone, theyll jump up and put their paws on that persons shoulders. Border Collies are prone to jealousy, especially in the situation when your dog thinks that you dont pay enough attention to him. Border Collies were bred as herd dogs. So, I'd say go for it! If you want your Border Collie to get along with another canine, you should keep the following points in mind: Keep their resources separated. (10 Companion, Do Dobermans Get Along With Other Dogs? I will echo what others have said, though. Got the younger of the two when she was a puppy. Border Collies are very smart, and they want to be near you so that they can learn more about whats going on around them. Archived post. Your link has been automatically embedded. Be sure to you have ironed out the bad habits before introducing a second border collie. (Meaning of the Border Collie Stare), Training a Border Collie Puppy Not to Bite (9 Simple Steps), How Much Do Border Collies Weigh? I have never had an Aussie but know many through agility and they are not less hyper than border collies. These two breeds may not always be on the lead, but they will do everything you ask of them. Supervise their play in the beginning because they can get too rough if you are not careful. Getting a second dog to keep your dog company doesn't mean they will actually be company. border collies of the same sex seem to come to grief, especially two females, through competition for their position in the pack. This will make it easier for him to enjoy cuddles and other forms of affection with you. She was, prior to acquisition of the second dog, quite well-behaved. 3 He Jumps Into Your Lap, Sits next to you, or leans on you, 7 He Acts Submissive When You Scold Him, 9 He Looks At You Like You Are His Whole World, 11 Laying In Vulnerable Positions Around You. This shows that he trusts you and loves you enough to allow himself to be vulnerable around you because he knows that you wont hurt him. This is another reason why Border Collies make such a great choice for families. The Border Collie breed is super cute both as a pup and as an adult. Taking two Border Collies from the same litter is not recommended. These dogs want to be with the family, and they like to learn all about whats going on during their time spent with you. This is especially true if they have been punished for misbehaving earlier on. ABOUT US Border Collies are very affectionate. Multiple dogs are a lot more work. They really don't play with each other much or keep themselves entertained. However, you have more work to do than with other breeds. Instead, youll have the peace of mind that you have a well-behaved pup, and the boundaries you set for them will always be there, EVEN IF YOURE NOT. However, their high needs make them a difficult option for those who simply want a dog. We only recommend them for experienced dog owners, given their high exercise and training needs. All rescues. This is why they find it hard to get along with other canines. If you have young children, however, two herding dogs may be incredibly overwhelming. Recall commands may be simpler to teach, and the female may pay closer attention to training in general. Unlike males, females have to physically carry the litter, which can put a serious strain on their health. Moreover, both Golden Retrievers and Border Collies cant tolerate being left alone. While the Aussie Cattle Dog is easy to train, they tend to be nippy and active hunters. She's super smart and is a people person. What Is a Good Annual Limit for Pet Insurance? The younger border collie learns from the older border collie. With a female, you typically wont need to deal with these behaviors. However, you should be prepared to deal with their intense energy and temperament. They want to follow you from room to room and even lie down near where youre sitting. This is also an excellent way to bond with your Border Collie and this way, you are rewarded with their happiness and more cuddles. That doesnt mean you should expect to get lots of cuddles initially. On the other hand, female Border Collies become more reserved as it grows older. I believe each of them wishes they could be the only dog in the family. I wouldn't say it's a generality (I've never had inter-bitch aggression with my females, but I did have a female foster who couldn't live with another female), but it's something to be aware of. I have 3 dogs, 2 BCs (one is deaf) and an Aussi mix. Pet Insurance Waiting Periods All You Need To Know. More so, Border Collies are intelligent and like to work. As a result, Border Collies have been known to not get along with other dogs very well. Their hormones vary throughout their heat cycle, which will affect their personality. Border Collies enjoy human contact, and they crave it more than most other breeds. When you decide to bring your new Collie to your home, make sure you have someone who will take your resident dog for a walk. Additionally, some Border Collies get along with other dogs really well. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Despite their girth, the Border Collie Golden Retriever mix can live happily in smaller homes or apartmentsprovided they get plenty of exercise, of course. But if your dog is not comfortable with this, it may take some time for them to get used to the idea. Ive written about how to manage the Border Collies energy levels. If your Border Collie is feeling restless, it may just be looking for a way to relieve that restlessness. Since Border Collies were bred as herding animals, they naturally wanted to herd smaller creatures, including small dogs. Display as a link instead, They complement each others energy and personality. Nevertheless, you should bring the second Border Collie to your home at least two years after the first one came into your life. )if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jubilantpups_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Border Collies are not the most dog-friendly breeds, making it important to select a companion dog that matches the Border Collies personality and tendencies. These dogs are active, intelligent, and very affectionate. Because of this natural instinct within Border Collies, they view other animals, including dog breeds, as a threat to the herd. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog. In other words, make sure you have solid training on Jersey, (recall, go lie down, crate quietly, wait for her food, no begging, no jumping on people, etc) before you bring a puppy into the house. They'll usually get along with other breeds and types of dogs, too. These dogs are known to be intelligent, easy to train, and highly affectionate. Just like humans, some will get along Not to forget the social interaction with the Most of them take up to five years to tone down the active and perky personality. With that, the second dog should be just as rough and tough as your Border Collie. With that, its best to get another dog that can keep up with that lifestyle. However, the real-world difference is likely small. WebQuestion on having multiple border collies . At any rate, I have witnessed inter-bitch aggression, and although I really like females, your safest bet (though no guarantee if course) would be to get the opposite gender. Border Collies are increasingly popular dogs. Females are often considered to be easier to train. Also, proper socialization, training, and introduction to other dogs are important to help a Border Collie adjust to a multi-canine household. In many cases, this is likely because males are often larger and therefore take a bit longer to grow. Most do fine with other breeds and types that are members of their own households. Lastly, the Belgian Tervuren was bred as a herding dog, which is something they have in common with a Border Collie. When the time is right is an individual choice but the experts recommend a minimum of two years between getting your first and second border collies. One of our dogs had to go to the ER for staples on a large gash from a fight, on Christmas Day! In fact, the basis of the Border Collie breed is often considered to be a single stud dog. The dogs genetics and how they are raised are much more important than their sex. I love them all and would never give any of them up but my life would be a lot easier with one dog. Athletic, intelligent, and workaholic these three words describe German Shepherd dogs (GSDs). In this blog, we discuss common Border Collie topics and problems to help you raise a well-rounded canine. I'm astounded that for the first time in at least 15 years, hubby and I are down to "only" two border collies and an Aussie. Most of all, you should get the right breed that complements your resident doggos personality and temperament. You have to understand that Border Collies are far from lap dogs. Still, a Border Collies high sensitivity is advantageous for training. Border Collie vs Australian Shepherd: Which One Is Right for You. Their natural herding instinct means that they require little training in the area. I got a second dog, so I could have a second dog to do agility. Theoretically, this may make training easier. Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal? (And How To Deal With It), Do Dobermans Get Along With Other Dogs? You just have to teach a puppy that it cant be as rough with you as it is with its littermates. Take note that you cant train your Border Collie out of herding completely. First of all, the age of the first dog. If you have an older Border Collie, try spending time with him and give him treats whenever he comes close to you or shows affection, this will keep your dog feeling loved despite their age. Dogs can bring so much joy in our lives and breed like Border Collie in particular. My Doberman mix is very reactive, timid, and fearful. Thanks! It is probably better if they each have their own special person, so there is less competition for human attention. For instance, female Border Collies tend to spend the most time with the family. Second of all, your first Border Collies personality is important when deciding about a second dog. Of course, males are quite different from females in terms of breeding. For example, Border Collies have a lot of energy and sometimes play rough. In other words, the Golden Retriever is a great all-around dog if you have multiple factors you are trying to consider. However, that doesnt necessarily mean that males are more difficult to train overall. Border collies enjoy being with their human family, and this is especially the case if there are children in your household. Getting another Border Collie can be a rewarding experience if you do it right. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. Another herding, working dog, the Border Collie, is bursting with energy. Like Border Collies, this breed has a double-coat that sheds all year round. Since they are of the same breed, they have the same energy levels, quirky traits and are of the same size. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note that two Border Collies of the same gender are not a good combination. It often seems like dogs copy bad behaviour much more easily than good. The thing to remember also is this: if they DO buddy up, they may bond to each other so tightly that you'll be the odd man out, and they can egg each other on to do naughty and destructive things. If their needs arent met, they can become destructive and difficult to manage. They can be more energetic than a Border Collie, but proper training will surely help the two get along. Both of them love water, which will become their bonding time. Scolding a Border Collie is not always easy because they can be very stubborn dogs who dont like being told what to do. Someone to play with when the kids are at school, or company when she is home alone. In terms of temperament, Golden Retrievers are very tolerant. 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