Ragnarok(Dragon & Manticore) - 20k Health, 500-550% Melee. Word of mouth was a viable way to get information twoyears ago when the game was new and the calcs didn't exist yet. That left 93 points for it to divvy up in the remaining 6 stats. January 16: Dung beetle and Dimetrodon added (patch v232). Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. They must be reforged at the Ability Stone Cutter NPC before you can equip them. They cannot include your Class Specific Engraving. i just want to know if my stats are good enough to start trying to get mutations or if i would be better off looking in the wild for another rex with a higher health or melee. our highest melee post-tame is 366.9 and the most recent rex i tamed has a health of 11.8k. i've been looking for this info for a while. Consider selling stones you can't benefit from on the. but thanks anyways. Once it is knocked out, strategic players will look at the creature's stats and determine if it is worth taming. Discord: https://discord.gg/qCYYbQK Stat gain per player applied level is a percentage of the POST tame stat value. All rights reserved. Here is screen from smart breeding with your rex's stats: As you can see, you have 49 points in HP and 41 melee. With only 2 extra points it gets 232% damage.. Please use Ctrl + F5 if the latest creatures dont seem to work. If you then open Smart Breeder, you can insert those stats and see exactly how many points went into what stat. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You're actually still relying on people to use "programs and all that crap" when you askquestions like these. With the design overhaul, timers (narco and starve) where introduced, narcoberry calculations, saddle ingredients and better kibble representations, February 8 Terror Bird added (based on dev kit values) + some minor changes / bugfixes, February 24 Castoroides (Giant Beaver) added (based on tests, v236), February 25 Added kibble that the creature creates himself (produced kibble) and added castoroides saddle. If someone on the forums asks if their animal has good post-tame stats, fire up Smart Breeding and input the data, then say yay or nay. are these good stats to start breeding or should i look for higher ones? Smarter, not harder. A Rex has the following values for health: Assuming the Rex has 5 levels on health in the wild (Lw = 5), was leveled up 12 times after taming in health (Ld = 12) and was tamed with a taming effectiveness of 82% (TE = 0.82), the value you can see now is: Another example with the melee damage of a Rex: Assuming the Rex has 5 levels on melee damage in the wild (Lw = 5), was leveled up 12 times after taming in melee damage (Ld = 12) and was tamed with a taming effectiveness of 82% (TE = 0.82), the value you can see now is: ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. so basically the percent change per stat level is always the same on a particular mount. The ARK taming calculator is updated to include even themost recently released dinos. Your. As initiating the process will otherwise bind the stone to you forever, making it untradable! You will need special types of food, as it doesnt eat berries but Rare Mushrooms and Plant Species X Seeds instead! In short. a dino with 200% melee post-tame, if the multiplier is 5%, will increase to 210% melee upon the first level you put into it; respectively, the samedino with 100% melee post-tame will only reach 105% after the first level. goodness i didnt think i was asking for that muchi just wanted to know if my rexes had good enough melee and health to start breeding them for mutations. In the "Level" field, type in 15. Extracts possible levelups of creatures to get the values for breeding. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Unofficial : quick and in game, Super Spyglass is something I use to quickly check stats. at all. With the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator you will always be prepared for anything. 2 or 3 hundred at absolute most. January 29: Gallimimus has been added (patch v233). it looks like it should work that way with every level on the 450 gaining 22.5 whilst on the 190 every level would mean 9.5 gain? I'd recommend sending them to SE to fight Deathworms for levelling. Again we see that the spino gains +5% Melee Damage with every level of Melee Damage that it gains. Let's assume that the Level 15 and the Level 150 are both completely average (just to make this example easier). This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. The basic idea of the calculator is that you first choose a dinosaur and its level. my server got shut down so when i start back up i'll make sure to take all of this into account when taming and breeding. Most of the species from Aberration seem to have a multiplier of 0.96, so tamed dinos have slightly less health than wild ones. I plugged some stats into a calculator just now. So your 150 tamed out with max possible effectiveness, gets 74 extra levels for taming making it a 224. Stat gain per player applied level is a percentage of the POST tame stat value. i went to the wiki and it gave me a general idea but nothing too helpful. Just enough weight that you won't have to constantly unload and rest in melee. Stats over 40+ are decent, 50+ very good. All rights reserved. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You can go to your creatures, hold E, go into Options and then Export Dino. Those 22pointspush themelee from 220% to say 316% (at a guess). Using this Ark Stat Calculator can help you determine if the creature has increased its stats for a specific stat you're . Taming effectiveness affects the number of levels they gain when tamed, but the increase in stats-per-level is the same for every tame. They are currently based on tests, so if you got different results please let me know. Now ark increases stats differently between wild level up and tamed levelups A sizeable amount of Vitality and the majority of your Engraving Points are provided by them. To answer simply yes, the Rex's you have are a good start. I'm pretty much sure experienced breeders can tell you amount of points into each stat on sight instead of using calc if thats the creature they have been dealing with for a while. See the wiki on more info, e.g. Ill go through it in full for you though. ive searched google and the forums for this answer but i've heard different things from different people and i'm hoping to lay this question to rest. Is there any such thing as a stat calculator for already tamed dinos? All rights reserved. The stat gain per level is calculated off say316% and 232% damagerespectively, if it Gains2% of the original stat each level. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Now it has a Melee rating of 115 (100 base plus 3 levels *5%). Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. The imprinting bonus IB only affects bred creatures, and all stat-values except of stamina and oxygen (it does affect the torpor-value). sorry for the questions, im trying to get this breeding thing down pat. So your 150tamed out with max possible effectiveness, gets 74 extra levels for taming making it a 224. Your initial attempt always starts with a 75% chance of success. zip in an arbitrary folder to use it as a portable or shared installation. If you apply all levels to health the difference will be very noticeble say 40k for the 14k rex and 30k for the 10k rex for example , a 10k gap that started as a 4k gap. This means that the total percentage will probably be around 85% in most of the cases. Base damage is what we will look at, Levels in wild melee determine the ending base damage. to use Codespaces. Ark Stat Calculator | ARK: Survival Evolved Quetzal Stat Calculator Quetzal Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Creature Level (Wild Only) STAT BASE INC. Valve Corporation. This means that both theQuetzalcoatlus(patch v218.0) and the Mosasaurus (patch v219) are now calculated with the original devkit values. Because when you kibble tame 150 level Rex, you will get 71-74 bonus levels, depend if its evo event or not. finding rexes that we can start breeding to get a good lineage. In case you come across any errors orwould like to see more information about a dino, please let us know by leaving a comment on this post. I can safely say though if your Rex's are being born with those stats(before levelling) that you've got some real good ones there. That's daylight robbery. Now Imutton tamed it because Kentro kibble is ridiculous and so it tamed at 80% effectiveness. Finally, the bottom row shows how much of the stat points have been assigned, in comparison to the optimal case. By using this calculator you will always know beforehand whether it is a good choice to tame the dino, or if you should move on to try and find another one with better distributed stats. Learn about unlocking Endgame Content and starting your first Raid, Una's Tasks or Chaos Dungeon. Some people would rather not use programs and all that crap to see what we need, we much prefer to go on word of mouth. If you want to know about breeding however, things change slightly, I will link a video later that explains it all perfectly, That is only true for birds. We've evolved () quite a bit since then, though. Now it has a Melee Rating of 255 (100 base + 31 levels * 5%). Yutyrannus, Megatherium, Megalania added (based on tests). . i know that the 11.8k health rex will be hard to replace but im not sure about our highestmelee stats. Ability Stones play a big role in building your character and improving its strength. Both tames are based on tests, so it can happen that your results differ a bit. Welcome to the Post Level 50 Endgame Guide for Lost Ark. At only 50% TE, you will only get 8.8% bonus melee damage." i currently dont have a functioning computer so i have to use my phone for everything.. no option forprograms or calculators,a simple answer is all i wanted. Sure, some I might be able to tell you off the cuff, but it's because I memorized the information due to extensive use of it, not because I have a notebook where I write down then sift through all this data. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. This gives it a Melee Damage rating of 110 (100 base + 2 levels * 5%). Also, if you can find a lvl 100+ to tame, it will more than likely have that much melee inherently, making it a much more promising and useful Dino. Each try consumes a set amount of, Unlocking a point reduces the success rate of your next attempt by, Manage the percentages to obtain the most points for your, Use up all Positive and Negative forging attempts! Not downloading programs - fine (although Smart Breeder is just an .exe you run, not a program to install, which is an important differenceto me) -but asking peopleevery time?! Site has the pictures on what it looks like and all that jazz. Privacy Policy. 1,200 ingots for that Anky? and our The amount per stat will be the same in either case, however, the kibble tame will get more bonus levels giving it more more stats. The 150tamed with 17% effectiveness gains 12 extra levels so becomes a 162. The NPC to cut your Ability Stones is found in all major cities as a blue diamond icon on the map. It's a good start for sure, depending on what boss(es) you're wanting to fight. Fortunately it did not waste any points in speed so everything else was average pre-tame but due to a low stat roll in oxygen when it tamed out perfectly (224) it now only spent 34 points in oxygen. You'd be better spending the time taming a load of dilos and getting the kibble to get a far better one of your own. Ive been using the Dododex stat calculator for my creatures to see if they are worth keeping around. Regarding land tames, most levels are wasted in speed and don't count, so you can remove 20-40 of the fake levels from the numbers above. Roughly 10 dismantled stones will grant you enough Powder of Mystery to purchase one back. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of these cookies. I'm confident I can do the Dragon & Manticore on Ragnarok on Medium with what I'll have, so yours shouldn't have a problem. The speed of a wild dino is not increased, so that stat point will be wasted. far more weight than anything though. Its 118 right? The Giganotosaurus has also been added to the taming calculator (based on the devkit data and no longer on tests). . will their stats increase in the same increments per level? Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). and this applies to all stats on the particular creature. ARK Dino Stats Calculator By: LandDragoon On: May 6, 2017 With this Dino Stats calculator, you'll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. It is the same for melee damage . Problem is, I'd like to calculate the stats after it's finished taming and gets the taming efficiency boost. Didn't like your outcome? Please If you'd like more detailed info the wiki is pretty good and thorough. Would the post tame stats follow that? Using the rex as an example again, the full 17.6% multiplier is only achieved with 100% Taming Effectiveness. Here's how I'm going to be lining up against the bosses and what I'm aiming for with what I have: My Rex's are popping with 8.1k Health and 319% Melee, and they have saddles ranging from 82-124 Armor. Broodmother & Monkey - 30k Health, 450% Melee. Nope, health, damage, speed and torpor usually get a bonus after you tamed it, which affect the results of the dododex calculator. Simply dismantle it and gain back a small portion of its original worth in Powders of Mystery. How do I calculate post-tame stats? By Keep in mind that this calculator can only be used for pre-tame stat distribution. Demigod, November 8, 2017 in General Discussion. It came out to: there is a calculator on the gamepedia wiki that will do that for you. The Bat and Araneo (Spider) have been added to the taming calculator. PER LVL YOUR QUETZAL Health 1200 +240 3 pts - + Stamina 800 +40 3 pts - + Oxygen 150 +15 3 pts - + Food 1200 +120 3 pts - + Weight 800 +16 3 pts - + Melee Damage 100 +4 3 pts - + Kibble) and then fill in quantities of other foods you will use / have used. All rights reserved. exe for an installation in the system's programs folder. using your example of a spino, on 1x rates, With breeding being a new functionality in the ARK: Survival Evolved game, it is useful to keep a look on wild dinos with high stats. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. He told you try to get 50 levels if possible. This max value is only achieved when 100% of all the stat points went into it, whichis very unlikely to happen. I tamed a 140 Yuty this past weekend. After setting it up correctly, you can also export the dino files ingame and easily import them in the app. Demigod Members 338 ARK Trader Rating 0 0 0 Total Rating N/A Author Posted January 22, 2018 On 1/22/2018 at 11:38 AM, isu said: If you would use program which I suggested, you would find out answers on your questions. April 2 The taming calculator now includes the Dunkleosteus and Woolly Rhino (based on test data)., Woolly Rhino tame times down with 40% (patch v238.2), Dunkleosteus torpor adjustment (patch v238.2), September 27 Archaeopteryx, Tapejara and all scorched earth creatures updated with devkit data (patch v247), October 22 Chalicotherium, Diplocaulus and Kaprosuchus added, based on devkit data (patch v248), November 24 Achatina, Megalosaurus, Moschops and Pachyrhinosaurus added! I tamed up a 150 female megalosaurus, and it's pre-tame stats were low on stam and high on stats. or Extraction issues if something does not work. Your initial attempt always has a 75% chance to succeed. i do not plan on having a final breeding line with only 12k health. sign in Download the latest release. Privacy Policy | Partners: ArkForum.de, This taming calculator, amongst other features, is also included in the. tame a few dilos and set up a kibble farm, i guarantee you'll be swimming in eggs after 2 days :). Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. The 74 levels are distributed randomly across all stats but speed, so 74/6= 22 extra points spent per stat (as an average). You can find these stats by knocking the dino out and looking in its inventory. There is a really good program for breeding called ARK Smartbreeder, you can find it on github. In general, a wild dino has around 85% chance to gain a stat point for each of the level it has, as 1/7th of the points will go into speed (which is not increase, so that point is wasted). Accumulate these over time and exchange them at the Stone Cutter NPC for fresh Ability Stones. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. I tamed a 150 beaver that had spent 57 points in oxygen pre-tame. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Raptor Stat Calculator | ARK: Survival Evolved Raptor Stat Calculator Raptor Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Creature Level (Wild Only) STAT BASE INC. All the data is now based on dev kit data and should be 100% correct. (now I'm just guessing here, so you can ignore this if you want, I think I'm right but this starts getting complicated and its easy to screw up :P) They wasted points by putting them into movement speed. Extract the ARK.Smart.Breeding_(version). All rights reserved. Not sure if it has any levels left. The important thing to remember is that the levels a dino gains during the taming process are counted as "wild levels", and the levels that you add to them after you tame them are "tamed levels", that calculator shows how wild stats are allocated to dinos, which includes the levels & stats they gain during the taming process. So just be aware when you use a calculator which one you are using. And if they search for their answer first - how is this different from just looking it up on a website, which doesn't require any downloading whatsoever? ARK: Survival Evolved coming to PS4 this December! It doesn't matter whether it's a level 15 or a 150, each level melee that it gains during the taming process will give it +5% Melee Damage. the "perfect" tame gains 6% melee per level, the fish tame gets 4% per level, this adds up quick, especially on things such as health. What taming effectiveness does is change the amount of points the tame can distribute randomly at the point of taming. if not,what effects base-stat multipliers? If speed Points didn't exist all of a sudden then all tames would loose levels and people would have no idea why, and we would see a solid 3 months of posts like we did after the flyer nerf with people not understanding new levels. He did answer your question. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. the same question for this scenario: 100% effective kibble tame150 spino vs 100% effective kibble tame 15 spino? You can verify this by looking at any of the stats calculators (like for example this one from Dododex http://www.dododex.com/stat-calculator/spinosaur ). If you want to use multiple types of food, it is possible to select your primary type (e.g. they definitely pumped weight and maybe melee in that one. im very appreciative of the ones who answered that for me. However, I just was made aware that the Dododex stat calculator is for wild dinos, not after tame, but after tranquilizing. Furthermore, it can also be convenientto know the wild dinos stats when on a normal taming trip. Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final stat-value: In 256.0 a new multiplier, the TamedBaseHealthMultiplier (TBHM) was introduced, that lowers the health of a few dinos right after taming, before the tamingAdd is applied. Experienced all the new contents and features leading up to today. Use the setup-ArkSmartBreeding-(version). How do you think we all get the answers? ARK: Scorched Earth Console Commands and Cheats, ARK Admin Console commands on PlayStation 4, Survive ARK Companion app released on Android, PSA: SA Companion and new permanent double rates. Which version to take? The game has further global variables for each stat, which affect the variables above: Currently these modifiers for health are: Three of the four modifiers can be found in the TestGameMode.uasset file located in Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/. (based on tests), Up to date with patch v252. Valve Corporation. If you fill in the stats of the creature after it has been tamed, or from one of your bred dinos, the result will most likely be unreliable. What taming effectiveness does is change the amount of points the tame can distribute randomly at the point of taming. Lets say your spino starts with 300 melee after its tamed Now this is 40 levels in that stat, Each tamed point in melee adds 1.7% on top that 300 stat, so if you add lets say 30 levels that would be +51% of that 300 number, so you would end up with 453 melee after putting 30 points into that stat. Anyone know any good stat calculators they'd like to share? For more information, please see our im happy to know that my rexes are on track. Also, if you can find a lvl 100+ to tame, it will more than likely have that much melee inherently, making it a much more promising and useful Dino. thank you all very much for the input. Now go back up to the "Level field and type in 150, then go down and click on the "+" next to Melee Damage. Work fast with our official CLI. Exceptions are for example the Brontosaurus, Doedicurus, Carbonemys, Pteranodon which each have a value of 0.9, and the Quetzal having 0.85. Currently there's no known workaround for this bug in ARK. the anky will gather more metal or flint per node than you will by a good margin. Yes, every wild level (which includes any levels gained during the taming process) will increase the Melee Damage % of a Spino by +5%. If you're not too familiar with the way the bosses work, for the Monkey and Spider you need to focus on Health more than Melee and tank them,but the Dragon has a breath attack that takes 10% Health from anything it hits,regardless of how much health your Rex's have so for him you want to focus more on Melee than Health. After these are applied, the additive taming bonus is added, then the multiplicative taming-bonus is applied, making the value post-tamed (Vpt): For bred creatures there is the possibility to add an imprinting-bonus by caring for the creature during its maturation. You can start to breed them, but you should try to find better melee withtrading or taming Rexes, which have at least 250% melee (250 is 30 stat levels) before tame. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of these cookies. It is stated under the dino stats on the wiki. You will quickly want one with much higher melee I fear. Use this website, this will show you the exact amount of bonus levels based on your rates. -Ark Wiki, https://ark.gamepedia.com/Taming#Taming_Effectiveness. Should now be much clearer in usage. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. So it has 205 Melee Damage (100 base + 21 levels * 5%). what im wondering is, at what point do you look at a fresh tames stats and say okay THIS ONE is the one we are breeding for health/melee/etc. The tool also has a file that contains all the values discussed above for most of the creatures (the newest may be missing). Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator. Creatures sometimes forget to increase their values properly after imprinting, Upload/Download from Tek Transmitter, Supply Drop, or Obelisk, Leave render range for a couple of minutes and return. Certainly don't pay that amount for it. Playing Lost Ark since the Korean release back in 2018. The data is now based on values from the latest dev kit. With RNGbeing the biggest factor all you can do is try to find the highest point distribution spent pre-tame and then hope for an above average stat roll. Rex has 7 different stats, that is10.5 stat levels per each stat. Powered by Invision Community. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Kairuku and Angler have been added to the taming calculator. The stats are increasing at the same RATE, but the increments are higher on the one with the highest base stat. A helpful tip: use bug repellant and a little house to keep the creatures in. will base damage still increase by the exact same percentage, independent of level or effectiveness? Once trained they were all close to 30k Health and 400-450% melee and that was enough to do the Monkey on Hard and the Broodmother on Medium, though I struggled against the Dragon on Medium. either that or see if you can trade metal for kibble. If your dinois above this 85%, you are lucky to have found a wild dino that has more stat points invested than the average dino (however, 100% stat points invested in oxygen mightstill not be an optimal tame). So what I would do is I would tame a creature, put its stats into Dododex, and see the level distribution to determine if the wild creature had the stats I wanted before I altered its stats in any way manually. We use (third party) cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Special thanks to reddit users /u/tomfoolery_72 and /u/Renox15. Good stat calculators for taming/breeding? February 3 Design overhaul: optimized for mobile devices (so away with the ugly tables) and also better ordered for desktop users. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Cookie Notice We'd need a whole separate section of the forum for that or no other posts would get through the clutter. ARK: Survival Evolved coming to PS4 this December.
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